Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!


Thanks for the context. They must be pretty good if they stand up to the Halo amp. I know that a lot of people like the Parasounds. I have no experience with them. I s there anything you don't like about your class D?

Purchased a Rogue Sphinx from Audio Connection a few monthes back to use with my Green Mountain Europa's. Very happy with the sound

I use Class D Audio amps I built from kits. My old Adcom 5 channel bit the dust, and I needed a low cost replacement. I made a three channel amp using two modules, sharing a common power supply. One module is in stereo mode for the surround speakers. The other is bridged to mono, for 500 Watts to the center.

I like this arrangement so much, I built another amp, using two modules bridged to mono, for 500 Wpc for my main speakers. Sounds ridiculously good, especially for the cost. I use this amp for 90% of my listening, an SET 300B for the remainder. They both sound good in my situation, though the modules that are bridged tend to be a bit noisy. They sound so good, I really don't mind.

I always liked your handle, islandmandan.  Maybe the noise you are hearing is the tropical breeze blowing though the palm trees.  Please don't spoil it for me if you are on Long or Staten Island.
Happy to see a thread "celebrating" this technology.  I have a Taranis Class D power amp from Merrill Audio.   Apart from the sheer power this thing supplies, I'm very impressed with the quality of bass from Totem Forests when driven by it. I think outstanding bass quality might well be a hallmark of Class D design.  The Totems' bass is impressive to begin with - especially considering their driver size, but the Taranis takes them to another level.  Bass is deeper and fuller than with either the solid state integrated I was using (Hegel H-200) or my EL-34/78WPC tube mono blocks.  The Taranis makes using a subwoofer with the Forests truly unnecessary for most (most) recorded material.  I also like the fact Merrill has produced a balanced design.  Having recently brought a Schiit Freya pre-amp into the system, I can now run balanced outputs from CDP & DAC into the Freya and from Freya into the Taranis.  Balanced, to my ear, is associated with a less fatiguing and cleaner sound.  The Taranis certainly allows long listening sessions; I don't experience listener fatigue using it.  Add to that cool running and no reliability issues, so far.  I did attempt a review of it here on A'gon. shortly after buying it.  Thanks very much to Audiogon member D. Patterson for getting me started thinking about Class D (he's been something of an audio mentor - intentionally or not!).  Thanks also to Guidocorona for pointing me towards the Taranis and Merrill Audio.