Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Thanks for taking a break to give us your 1st take of the 2.7s and comparisons to the 3.7s

Yes, I know that your wife thinks you have a lot of gear. The Speakers are heavy and a lot of work to move and adjust. She should be used to it by now and know that you are hopeless. Take your time. I don't think she will leave.

 I have been able to visualize your comparisons and would concur with them; have gone through the same drill.

Do not want to voice to much to influence you even at a subconscious level.

 You said, that you do sound work for film, so I know that the HT part is important to you. Personally, the HT is just Tricks & Treats for me.

 The music satisfies the soul.

Best Wishes on your Journey 
Happy Day! Glad to see you are enjoying your delivery.
Glad you found the bass satisfactory and noted differences between the two. 
Just curious though - how is the tilt as compared to the 3.7?

Do you mean how much have I tilted them? I haven’t tilted either the 3.7 or the 2.7. Simply set them down without spikes (I’ve tried spikes before and they didn’t make anything better about the sound). So they have whatever tilt is built into their shape.

I often experiment in terms of my head height when listening - sometimes sitting up, slouching, lying more reclined. Thus far I found the tonal balance changes a bit more with the 3.7 when doing so, vs the 2.7. There’s a slightly richer, more mellow balance the further I go below the 3.7 tweeter height. But the difference may be that the 3.7 tweeter starts out higher than the 2.7 given my listening position, so slouching in front of the less tall 2.7s means I’m still more in line with the 2.7 mid/tweeter, so the frequency balance doesn't change as much.

I’m going to get used to the 2.7 for a while longer and continue experimenting before I put the 3.7s back to compare.

Last night I spun some vinyl, Niel Young at Massey Hall. While it didn’t have quite the cavernous scale as on the 3.7s, there was a more solid sense of the performance, which made it remarkably realistic.

I think the very slightly more forward upper midrange - a more incisive leading edge - combined with the upper bass/lower mids density of the 2.7 (due to it’s different tuning for the smaller woofer) tends to give piano notes in particular a more solid presence. Pretty nifty stuff.

A very good report on the CS 2.7- prof.

Both CS 2.7 and 3.7 can go without the outriggers per the listener.

I look forward in reading about more thoughts / impressions as you massage these speakers into your system. Happy Listening!