Inherited 21 piece of vintage McIntosh and need help building a system

Hello.  I was fortunate enough to inherit a huge collection of mac stuff from my uncle, but although an audiophile, I'm out of my element with vintage stuff.  Here is a list of what I have to work with:

C28 preamp

two C20, stereo tube preamp

two C8's mono tube preamp

MC2002, Solid state amp

MC2200, Solid state amp

MR67, FM Stereo Tube Tuner

MR 71, FM Stereo Tube Tuner

MR74, tuner

MX 112, tuner preamp

1700 tuner

1900 tuner

MA5100, integrated amp

two MC 60's, tube amp

MC 240, 40WPC amp

MC 250, 50WPC amp

Sansui 500A

Dynaco SCA-35

HK A220


Linn axis turn table

Technics SL-1950 turntable

Mac XL10 speakers

Utah A70-A speakers

Any suggestions on what the best pairing would be out of these?  I can't use all of it so some will be posted once I get a system built.

Thanks for the help,


I have had Mac gear in the past.  I would be inclinded to keep the best tube pieces and make sure you re-furb or test everything to factory specs.  It's ok to start with the speakers first and find something you really like and then plug in the mac stuff to make sure it's compatible.

Condolences on the passing of your uncle. If you have any doubts about using the tube gear, I would also keep the MA5100 ss integrated and the best ss tuner. This way you can A/B tubes against solid state. If this were me, I would keep both solid state and tube so I could swap between the two.

Currently I have a MA6200 ss integrated and a tube integrated together in my system that has been ideal.

Whatever speakers you decide to go with can be used in both systems.

As much as I’d like you put the MC2200 up for sale I recommend you consider keeping it. In all the components you have its the only piece that will come to your rescue if you ever decide to try power hungry speakers like Martin Logan or something else with a demanding impedance curve. A pair would even be better but one will be quite adequate. Put one of your tube preamps in front of it and you’ll be all set.

I have nothing to add since I do not know anything about vintage McIntosh. But...

I have been a very happy owner of an MA6500 SS integrated for over a decade now. I can tell you that it powers Martin Logan Vantages very well. And to the reason I posted, I've had Anthem in my system and it was not even a little bit close, the Mac is just better in all regards. Please take this as my humble opinion and not as an attack.

I'm truly sorry for your loss but obviously your uncle thought much of you. You've been blessed by his generous gift. I hope that it will be a tremendous blessing for you. And that you'll have a lot of fun along the way.

Do take Als post seriously. He is very well respected in these forums.
Condolences on the passing of your uncle. It sounds like he knew what he was doing. Don't you know what he was using in his main system?