New Class A/B under $6K, your recommendation?

Okay I'm tiring of my class D amps and have upgradeitis. I want to try a latest greatest Class A/B amp - I'm thinking Benchmark AHB2, or Son of Ampzilla, or?
 I can drive it with a Manley 300B pre, or a Wyred 4 Sound pre, or directly from my Benchmark DAC into big BG Radia 600 speakers that are rated up to 400 watts. They are line array types using BG planar magnetic drivers - intended for wall mounting, but after hearing them and speaking with a BG engineer, I built beautiful boxes for them according to specs and have been grinning ever since.
 I spoke with Rory from Benchmark and he suggested that 1 amp - even though rated at 100 watts per channel would suffice. I could always order a second and use them bridged and be at the upper end of my budget.
 Any thoughts on what else I should be looking at? I'm looking for: Imaging, space, neutral sound (not cold, not lush and warm) - I can color with my pre if I should so desire. Thanks for your input!!
There’s a new Magnus MA-400 for sale on Ebay for $5500. Joe, JMSound, is a great guy to do business with. There are several Audiogoners who love their Magnus MA-300’s.

I've had two amps in my system that do exactly what you're looking for although being very different in approach.  They are the Rogue Medusa and the Liberty Audio B2B-100 (of PBN design).  The Rogue is a class-D amp with a tubed input stage while the Liberty is a more traditional class A/B design.  Both are the epitome of transparency with amazingly clear and vivid 3D soundstaging -- significantly bettering amps from the likes of Bryston and a Class A-modded McCormack in this regard.  The Rogue has the benefit of being able to fiddle with input tubes to further tailor its sound to your system and tastes.  The Liberty counters with a high bias switch that adds a dose of fluidity, palpability, and dimensionality without sacrificing anything.  Both are extremely close in overall presentation, but in stock form I'd marginally choose the Liberty in high bias given what you're looking for.  But I know Rogue has recommendations for upgraded input tubes that could change things.  Really think you couldn't go wrong either way.  Hope this helps, and best of luck. 

 I have two power amps: I have the iconic Krell FPB 300cx 2.0 stereo amp for my mains and this new Anthrm 3 channel for my other 3 speakers. The Anthem 2 Channel amp is an impressive sounding amp. I LOVE my 3 channel  and it is in great company of course with my coveted Krell. 

But for around 5.5k prepared to be blown away by the 300w per channel A/B Bryston 4B3. I auditioned it last year and it sounded 90%?as good as my class A Krell sounds and that machine was 10K way back in year 2001! 
I'm prepared to sell my Pathos Acoustics Inpol2 pure Class A Integrated amp for $3950. Mint with NOS Mullard input tubes/MOSFET output.  It is still Pathos' flagship integrated, $13K new, and in a totally different league than all the above . . .