Lets talk tubes in Pharaoh Integrated

What are some tube rolling options for the rogue audio pharaoh integrated amp? I would like a better mid-range sound less bloat please.

My apologies for the interjection, but IME, you won't be able to achieve that "fullness" with the Pharoah. I believe I know exactly what you’re referring to and it’s the same reason I sold my Pharoah. The tubes aren’t the issue. I’m sorry to say it’s the class D topology of the amp section. It’s the same lack of body/soul/fullness (pick your term) that plagues many class D designs. Great for detail and resolution, not for immersion.

If you’re interested in an amp that has 99% of the resolution of the Pharoah, but retains the class AB "fullness," consider the Parsosound Halo Integrated.
I see this has come back around after a couple of years. News flash, I have traded the Pharaoh and (some boot) for a Modwright KWI 200. I am much happier with that over the Rogue unit. I have also added two Rythmik subs to the mix and am satisfied with those results as well. In full disclosure I think my room had the most to do with unwanted aspects of the earlier sound, I just wanted to try something else, I could see me using class D again some day. I have a small itch to try tube separates next, but that is likely a ways off if ever. In addition to the Modwright and subs I changed to audio art balanced interconnects and up-graded speaker cables as well true bi-wire from Schmidt custom cables.
Ironically, I found this discussion by searching for "Rogue Pharaoh Siemens". The combination sounds amazingly full and rich with my Auralic Altair or Shinola Runwell turntable feeding my ATC SCM40 V2's. 

I think that the right tubes can be found for any application. In my case, the Siemens added slam that I had no idea was possible and has set the benchmark for what I want my final speakers (longtime ATC fan) to sound like in my room. 
miesdavis,  I had the same experience changing to the Siemans.  Tried Cites, Mullard, RCA clear top, but the Siemens out does all of them.  Beautiful full sound.  I have them in my 'old' Unison Unico which uses 2 12au7's.