Anybody have experience with the ROGERS PA-1A Phono? I'm interested in your thoughts and what cart you ran with it.
Rogers has one published spec that jumps out at me for a phono. 

Signal to Noise Ratio: 90 dB at 20 mV input

Is that possible for a tube phono?
It's probably possible for "20mV input".  To get that high an input signal voltage, you would be using a high output MM cartridge, and it would be reproducing a fortissimo passage of a musical piece.  So, in a sense, the spec (90db for 20mV) is a "best case" scenario.
good info @lewm  Just a FYI, I did an in home demo of this unit. It was "ok". I mean it was good but for 7k should have been more. Great wide soundstage and produced pinpoint imaging but it was a little flat if you ask me. Felt like the soundtage was 3 feet behind my speakers.