Snake oil, fraud, confirmation bias

It is becoming increasingly apparent that many threads about legitimate topics devolve into one or more of the contributors here making claims of snake oil, fraud, or confirmation bias thereby derailing the conversation beyond the valid and relevant thread topic and this is getting ridiculous. For anyone here who honestly holds the position that there is snake oil and fraud in the world of Music Reproduction Systems I challenge them to prove their claims in court it should be an easy task based on the claims they make here in Audiogon  AND they will make a fortune because in the US once proven they can file a class action suit and profit enormously from the efforts of others to deceive. These people regularly claim that "there is no evidence" that things such as cables or fuses make a difference when in actual fact Audiogon is filled with evidence that these things make very real differences in Music Reproduction Systems of course those who claim fraud reject that evidence as "confirmation bias" but in absence of any documentation from them they are only repeating the claim they have made so many times that has been refuted many times here by those who have demonstrated to there satisfaction that they make a difference.   I think in actual truth the real fraudsters here are those that repeatedly make these claims of snake oil and fraud and often they have no experience to back up there claims they simply say the claims are impossible!
@clear think

First things first.

Please invest into Anger Management. Not litigation.

Lawyers are the only ones which will get the true benefit in a class action suit. Trust me. Been there and done that with the Federal Govt already..

its the American way.

.. and yes, please check out that little dot under the L key. It’s a huge benefit for reading your flaming discourse in a more intelligent manner. You don’t even have to use the shift key to add it.. just find the L and push the key below it with the same finger you use to type your often aggressive exclamatory falderal.

Remember, freedom of speech doesn’t mean you have the freedom to say anything to anyone. There are limits. You might want to look into what those limitations reference.

= = = = = =

RE Rocks?
There are rocks that will help my system sound better?
Where? How much? Is there a choice in colors? Exactly how big are these things?

Do you put them in a blender with a cup of Snake oil set it to puree, and later sprinkle them on the wires? What??

Sounds very cool.

Sort of like racing stripes on a car. Once applied, the carr is forever a race car. It will go much faster, right?

Can’t wait!

There’s no such thing as an audio emergency, and there is no such thing as offering a piece of audio equipment with intent to do audio harm that is litigatable. Can the color of a car do harm? Can cotton vs. wool vs. synthetic T-shirts do intentional harm? Can this be quantified?

Some people like hard over eggs, I happen to like over easy with toast. Is one more harmful than the other by definition? Can we qualify or quantify with measuring equipment the flavor or textural experience of eggs cooked one way vs. another? Is scambling them a culinary abomination worth suing over?
I don’t think many here debate whether cables make some small difference. But fuses? Burning in cables? Burning in power outlets? Direction fuses and wires? That just is just bunk BS with zero basis in reality and purely the ego of the listener jacking off the mind. The people who buy into that nonsense are invariably clueless on technical matters. They view their equipment as pieces of mythical alchemy imbued with powers that transcending the laws of physics, and don’t tell me these people don’t because I’ve read their ramblings on here. Those around here with any kind of technical understanding know these people are crazy. We know the preeminent designers of the day pay no respect to the kinds of fantasies they entertain. It’s no surprise that they’ve adopted a vocabulary to disparage critics if their fantasies. Every religion needs a name for their adversaries. Infidel. Gentile. Heretic. Their's is "naysayer". They believe cables break in like others believe the world is flat. Reality doesn’t concern them because they don’t live in it. Foggythink has proven himself a stunning example of how truth and facts don’t impinge their opinions.

I like what AA does and feel it is time for Agon to do the same thing. The few that don’t want to add value to our cable discussions, but just angrily take cable threads off coarse should not be allowed to post on this subject. It is always the same few and often with unfortunate name calling and cyber wise cracks.  It is predictable, boring, and often greatly harms the usefulness and civility of the thread. It is unfortunate that this extreme step is needed, but the actions of a few is driving long time posters away from this site and turning off many potential new active members. The reality is this is in fact happening. Audiogon can no longer ignore this reality.