Musician vs. audiophile

We need direction here. My wife, a musician and says my Sophia 3s, powered by BAT 3VK IX tube pre amp and 250w solid state amp sounds flat compared to a freaking Best Buy box store McIntosh/Martin Logan setup...  I can't honestly disagree, specifically when our rig is at low volume.  It lacks color and punch, even with 2ea. JL 12" subs... Help me with your recommendation, please!!!      
+1 Al Great advice!

As for Best Buy box speakers - don’t dismiss them. Speakers can be quite good at the $2500 price range and up. (Harmon Kardon own Revel and continue to do a good job F206 or 208).

If you want good quality speakers that would satisfy a critical listening musician then I would recommend ATC or PMC or Genelec. That said, I don’t see why your Wilson Sophia 3 can’t be your speaker for life - if driven properly per Al’s comments.
Valid points here, but I think it also has something to do with the low volumes that you're listening at.  Some speakers (or speaker+amp combos) just don't "come alive" at low volumes, even though at higher volumes they may beat up on the alternatives that sound better at low.
Before changing your system try first to change your cables I upgraded  all my cables (speakers,coax ,interconnect and jumpers) to Tellurium Ultra Black with great results much more details, transparency and dynamics .
I wouldn't blow money on cables right now, they will make subtle differences but nothing life changing.
In general, Wilson speakers sound great when... they are properly matched to other components, proper cabling, and pretty good to great acoustics (and positioning) in the room.  If they sound flat and uninteresting it is not unusual at all.  However, this is the 3rd iteration of Sophia's and they should (normally) be the cornerstone of your system.  A Wilson dealer should come over and see and hear your system and make some suggestions starting with the most cost-effective ones 1st.  If you can afford a more forgiving pair of speakers there are several i can think of, but that could involve a lot
of money, time, and effort as well.  I always wanted the accuracy of Wilson's but i thought i could do better elsewhere and for less money and ended up with a giant-killing pair of Eggleston Andra's.
Anything similar to those would IMO add a great measure of musicality to most normal living rooms (Merlins, Sonus Faber, Reference 3a's, Focal, etc.).