Revelation Audio Labs

I've had good correspondence with Brad prior to purchasing but that drastically subsided post payment & I have not received any replies for nearly 2 months.

Is there anyone who knows him that can elucidate...?
I agree. I'm not here to pile on Brad. we communicate via e-mail to keep a record of the details. i received a tracking number tonight at 10:30. if anyone wants a update, i will provide. let's see what happens.

Update, I am currently going through the same arduous and painful process of wrangling a set of paid-for cables from Brad, as mentioned in previous posts. Like others, I'm not trying to 'pile up' on the guy, but if it's going to take 12+ weeks to get product, he should clearly state this somewhere in his lengthy product description. I finally had to resort to filing a dispute both here and with PayPal to get him to respond to my inquiries. Might be great cable, but this audio pilgrim will never buy from him again. 
I've had good experiences with Brad.  He is always been responsive by email, usually within the same day.