inexpensive xlr vs expensive rca

I currently use homemade Belden 8423/Neutrik XLR throughout my system. Mainly because I was spending money on getting all of the components up to spec.

I'm looking at some used, very high-end RCA cables at a good price. I can't find the equivalent XLR cables used, but I can find XLR cables a few levels down of the manufacturer. For instance, $1500 RCA cables for $600. Or $700 XLR cables for $700. 

I'm connecting a Parasound JC-3+ and an Ayre QB-9 DSD to a Parasound JC-2. All first-class equipment. 

Would I be better off getting the super quality RCA used cables, or the less high quality (but still good) brand-new XLR cables at the same price point? 
"" Wallet is pretty light lately. ""

It took me TWO YEARS of pondering to buy the expensive cable I really wanted. ($3,000) Finally I had a pile of money just laying around and THEN I bought the cable.
(glad I did) but I wanted to mention I waited those two years....
@marktrav I applaud you for undertaking and doing what you have / are. It isn’t easy.

This isn’t a test. No one is grading you. 

Getting caught up in methodology gets in the way of taking the music in.

I encourage you to focus on the music and not the process. You will sort it out.
@marktrav - I think you will be pretty happy with the Van den Hul cables - they have been a long time favorite of mine. They are a definite step up from the two cables you used to conduct your comparison.

Another cable that I have not tried, but I like the geometry used in their construction, is from Anticables - they start from around $200 for a 1 metre pair (you can get as low as 0.5 meter.)!/Level-2-Performance-Series-Analog-XLR...

They also have some very good RCA cables...!/SALE-50-off-NEW-Level-1-Classic-Serie...

They utilize a helix spiral neutral, which I have found is a vastly superior cable geometry to that used by many cable constructors and I have used the same Helix geometry many times with great results.

The Helix geometry provides a quieter background, faster dynamics with greater control, improved clarity and superior imaging.

One last thing - if you are into DIY - take a look at the following link

These are cables I have developed over the last few years and now use throughout my system.

Looking forward to hearing your comments on the Van den Hul cables

Cheers - Steve

Dang it. Well, the results are in and my wallet is going to get lighter.

Here’s the chain: JC-3+ - XLR1 - JC-2 - XLR2 - active x-over
I also have an Ayre QB-9 DSD - XLR1.5 - JC-2 - XLR2 - active x-over

First, we replaced the XLR1 with the VdH Mountain. It’s a short run between the two, but we used a 2m cable since that was what he brought. There was a slight improvement in bass definition and there was more air around the instruments, but not dramatically so. We put it on the XLR1.5 and came to the same conclusion. Finally, we replaced XLR2. Wow! ok, things just got real. Bass definition became more round and more solid. Instruments like guitar and vocals became more lifelike. XLR2 is a solid 2M+ run, so replacing that long Belden 8423 cable did the trick. We didn't hear as much of a difference at XLR1 and XLR1.5 positions because the longer run was in the way sonically. 

So, I guess I’m now convinced. However, I’m going to replace ALL of the XLRs with the Rock. I can’t afford the Mountain, but he said I’d get pretty far down the road I need to go with the Rock. They are both part of the 3T family.

I was very impressed that he came out to my house and spent almost 2 hours letting me demo the cables in my own system. If you are in Atlanta, you should get to know Chris Amos at Kemela.
XLR is superior sound i just had my Purist rca cables reterminated to balanced 6 db louder and much quieter would never use single ended again.