The ups and downs of tube vs. SS...

I’d like to hear from the people that have had both. Why tube? Why SS? What are the ups and downs of both? How does owning one or both differ? I’ve always owned SS, but also lusted after tubes....
It depends.... And nobody should argue with that. 

Unlike solid state, valve owners obsess over their gain devices. A lot of them can tell you how well the devices are paired, how they're biased, what type of devices they are, who made them, and what mode they're operated in. I think if solid state users took that kind of interest in their gain devices instead of obsessing over passive parts like capacitors the opinions might be a bit more balanced. Beyond that, a strong argument can obviously be made for simple topologies which is the rule for tubes. You just can't throw tubes at problems like you can transistors. Simple solid state topologies can be very competitive with tubes if the same attention to detail are applied. 
After years of hearing this debate, I ended up getting a pair of Atma Sphere MA-1's and I have to say they are the finest amps I have ever owned.
As Ralph pointed out, they do get hot, and in summer can challenge the AC system.
So, I also bought a pair of Ayre MX-R's.
I have to say they really give the Atma's a run for the money.
Perhaps it is the zero feedback in both designs. I don't know.

But, at least I can use the tubes in winter and SS in summer.
I’ve owned both, tube preamp, SS amp, SS preamp, hybrid amp.  I won’t overextend myself and state tubes sound better.  I’ve purchased pricey NOS tubes and less expensive Gold Lions.  In the end, I always found myself looking past if it’s tube or SS and relying more on what my ear prefers.  My ear prefers my SS preamp over my previously owned tube preamp and my ear prefers my tube input/mosfet output amp configuration vs. strict SS.  
Hundreds of threads on this topic over the years with hundreds more to come. As most here will likely concede either choice is capable of producing very good sounding components, that has been my experience.

If I could only have one I would choose tubes. Why? In my opinion tubes at the end of the day just sound more natural. I believe this is what Schubert, Lou_setriodes and Atmosphere are expressing. The ear has the innate  ability to detect and identify natural character (real vs artificial). I believe that tubes come "closer" to real.  I concede that transistors will win the current standard of measurement battle. They can look beautiful on paper.
If you're into them, tubes can be rewarding on an esthetic level (it's rare that anybody says their transistors are beautiful to look at), harmonic level, tube collecting bragging rights for the insecure (therapy?), and others will perceive you as simply more sophisticated and perhaps better looking if you're a tuber. Not unlike a peanut.