Vincent SV-236MK

Just recently, I decided to upgrade my current Integrated amplifier which is a Vincent SV-236MK Tube Hybrid Integrated Amplifier purchased in 2009 for $1995.00 with a Luxman L-550AX which was $4990.00. Surprisingly, the Vincent SV-236MK sounded much better than the Luxman. I even purchased the top of the line Marantz integrated amplifier PM-11S3 and the Vincent SV-236MK sounded much better than the Marantz. The Vincent SV-236MK sounds warm,detailed and musical and has plenty of bass. The Luxman had no bass. I would like to purchase an integrated amplifier which sounds better than my Vincent SV-236MK but I haven't found one. Any suggestions? I have Bowers & Wilkins PM1s, Vincent SV-236MK, Marantz Reference Series NA-11S1 Network Audio Player and an OPPO BDP-105 Blu-ray Disc Player.
I don't own the 236, but my friend's doesn't have a phono section, and he just changed the tubes and thinks the thing sounds brighter. That's all I can offer.
I have their SP-331 power amp and as far as I know SV-236 only has line level inputs. Sounds like you're asking about their external phono preamp and its design and my guess is the tube is just used for the buffering since its a hybrid design, as the name implies. 
Does anyone have experience with the Vincent SV-500 integrated? I absolutely love mine, but I've just come down with upgradeitis. I'm considering the SV-237MK. I don't need the extra power, but I thinking newer-more expensive..."It must be better." Just wondering if anyone has experience in this move "up." (I'm actually a little concerned that I won't like the newer amp as much as the one I already have.)
Well, I answered my own question. I purchased the SV-237MK! The SV-237MK is an improvement in bass & bloom, and the remote volume control has been corrected. I have to say that even though I love the new amp, it just shows how good the SV-500 is. There is an improvement from the 500, but it's not a drastic one. (Btw-the SV-500 is for sale.)
Back to tubes for the SV-236MKII - I have never done any changing and would like to try out. Noted above Ten Kobe was recommended. But that's not available anywhere I can see.
Anyone do tune rolling in their SV-236MKII ? Love to know your experiences.