Oppo Gone - Now What?

Blue Ray players may be "a dime a dozen"...but not so with high quality music players.  Assuming that all of the Oppo 205 inventory is gone in the next 3-4 weeks, what would you buy for under $2000 to play those music discs that you still own?
@lalitk   Thank you. I'm not sure, given my needs. The tougher issue is forecasting future needs. At this point, I will let it play out. 

The market is usually good at responding and is way smarter than me. I remember the fury / flurry as plasma went softly (yet speedily) into the night. : )
Wow... I guess there was a run on 205s throughout the country... or they depleted the inventory in anticipation of the announcement. 

Revised question:  now that the oppo 205 is no longer available, what is the best CD Player under $2k?
Wow, inventory evaporated quickly! I ordered a 205 from the Oppo website just yesterday. Got tracking info an hour ago. Couldn’t pass up its versatility at $1299 and hold on to one last piece of source gear that plays all types of shiny discs at high quality. Even gives me a reason to keep my 25 or so SACDs.
If you didn’t order the 205 yesterday or today before noon. it’s too late. Sorry! Now if you still want one, you’ll have to pay more and much more just in a few more days. OPPO 205 is the only one on the market with 4K HDR, DAC with SABRE ES9038PRO, RCA and XLR analog outputs, multi channel SACDs, jitter reduction, headphone amplifier, and MQA support and is under $1,300. Why did OPPO Digital decide to close its business? I think we all know, but we’re not allowed to discuss about it.