Please Read and express your feelings and opinions....

I noticed  that lately or maybe for the last five yrs, there is so much arguments,name calling, attacking cables , speakers , components makers and more, more of disagreement with members, even Audio dealers are being attack here...Very few know how to apologize when they are wrong.What can we do as Audiogon members to improve our communication to each other? How to give the informations, recommendation to members who need it? This is without involving Audiogon, any opinion or ideas ,  For me this is fun and place to learn in audio...thank you all
I'd say if your desire is learning, there are better resources. Mr. Carlson's Lab on YouTube. The Burning Amp lectures. Just to name a few. Reading people discussing the finer points of gain device characteristics is a much more fascinating endeavor than reading amatures rattling on about exotic fuses. 
There are quite a few people on this forum that come to learn.  Yes, often they are misguided while learning because they don't have a complete grasp or understanding of the original subject matter.  Several people have gained a real education here.  Probably not village idiots in the beginning, but definitely not as time goes on. 
This would be about the last place I'd go I'd I was trying to troubleshoot foldback current limiting, crossover slopes, or thermal management. A large segment of this crowd goes batty when you begin talking measurements and formulas. 

I’d say if your desire is learning, there are better resources. Mr. Carlson’s Lab on YouTube. The Burning Amp lectures. Just to name a few. Reading people discussing the finer points of gain device characteristics is a much more fascinating endeavor than reading amatures rattling on about exotic fuses.

>>>>It appears there are a great many folks who are extremely “circuit-focused” and who refuse to even consider there’s anything else to this hobby other than measurements and circuits of gain devices. That group, as manifested over on DIYAudio (and elsewhere), comprises some of THE most closed-minded and dismissive people I’ve ever seen. Any topic or concept that’s more than 1 Sigma away from the group and the moderator there is quickly attacked and deep six’d. The Blowtorch thread over on DIYAudio, where John Curl holds forth (at least John himself is not nearly so hyper focused) is up to what, 3 million posts? Including his disciples, the ones with glistening eyes. 😳 That’s 3 Million posts, people, not views. Can you say Hyper focused? He-loo!

Knowledge can be defined as what’s left after you subtract everything you forgot from school. The education system has been broken for like forever anyway,

have a nice day 😃
I agree that DIY is more focused on the technical aspect. Audiogon is more focused on the sound quality.  With that said, I also believe that DIY has posted some killer amp designs that sound fabulous.  
DIY audio has helped me graduate to just above a "Village Idiot" in amp design... I have now built my own amps and modified a few. There are folks that are willing to help here on Agon, but in DIY, these are more the daily topics of discussion.