Allnic H-3000 hum when mute button engaged.

Hello Goner,
I have just purchased this wonderful phono preamp used. The unit is running perfectly and quietly. There is only one problem, that is when the mute button is engaged, my speakers hum badly on bith sides. Anyone got any idea on what happens. Also, when the button engaged and disengaged, it produce the pop sound. Is it the possibility that the mute button is malfunctioning? Can a simple deoxit fix it?
@dangcaonguyen - I agree that you should speak to seller first before you open up the unit or commit to spending money. May still be worth talking to Albert about your options. Perhaps it is a simple fix, but presumably that’s going to be out of the seller’s pocket. (and you’ll need to find a decent shop near you-- I hate shipping gear if it can be avoided; I actually dropped off my stuff at Thalmann’s en route from NY to Texas).
Assuming the unit is already out of factory warranty period, the main concern- once you reach agreement on approach with your seller, is to avoid a situation where the manufacturer says "oh, you let someone unauthorized work on it, so in the future, you may have problems getting service." Frankly, I don’t think Albert would jam you- and the support I got through David Beetles (and subsequently Albert) has been first rate- they have the relationship with Mr. Park, and it makes it way easier for them (now Albert) to guide you. Hopefully, you get it sorted fast, cheaply and easily. Let us know what happens.
I would think there would be some good techs in your area.
@lewm I switched the interconects to MIT, the problem is still there. 
You are right, when I stand with bare foot and touch the transformer’s gain knobs, the hum is gone. The problem is the ground disconnect while on the mute mode.
@whart Thank you, I will wait for a day or two to contact Albert. But as of right now, I trust the seller with his excellent reputation. I think he will contact me tomorrow when he is back to work.
I found , more than once . that a different cable often takes 2 weeks or more
to "settle" in a system .  Even an old one you move around for that matter .
schubert"a different cable often takes 2 weeks or more
to "settle" in a system"

It sounds like something is very wrong with your Music Reproduction System such as badly contaminated plugs jacks or connectors or defective wire that should be discarded or some other odd failure point that can be readily corrected by a experienced and competent technician of which you should avail yourself so as to remedy this misfunction.
If you're on the West Coast, I agree with others that Albert Porter will probably treat you well. He may even be able to recommend a repair person in your area of California.  Dave Beetles is also a first rate person. And yes, it would seem fair to have the other guy pay for any repairs. By the same token, I doubt he was aware of the problem, which likely is the result of shipping and "handling".

I am lucky in that Bill Thalmann's shop is only about 30 minutes from my house.