Stand Alone Super Tweeter for Revel F208?

I would like to add some sparkle to my Revel F208 speakers. I recently bought some Totem Hawks and Gallo 3.5s and the top end sparkle is amazing. Any recommendations?
Townshend Maximum Super Tweeter -around $1599 full retail (
Townshend is a good choice, as is the Enigmacoustics Sopranino

I do however have to note that a super tweeter should not add "sparkle" to your speaker. If you can hear the effect of a ST as sparkle you probably have the cross over set too low or the ST level set too high. The ST should be heard more as a tightening of transients and a greater appreciation for the space in the recording. You shouldn’t actually be hearing the ST (unless you are a dog or a teenager)
I feel like the Revels could use more air. Things like triangles, bells etc. are there but they aren't as sweet as the other speakers I mentioned.
Triangle would be one of the candidates, but other instruments have even more energy above 20KHz -- this is a very interesting article on the subject
Totems have ringing tweeters, that's the "sparkle" you're hearing. Revels need no help in the treble region.