Stand Alone Super Tweeter for Revel F208?

I would like to add some sparkle to my Revel F208 speakers. I recently bought some Totem Hawks and Gallo 3.5s and the top end sparkle is amazing. Any recommendations?
I feel like the Revels could use more air. Things like triangles, bells etc. are there but they aren't as sweet as the other speakers I mentioned.
Triangle would be one of the candidates, but other instruments have even more energy above 20KHz -- this is a very interesting article on the subject
Totems have ringing tweeters, that's the "sparkle" you're hearing. Revels need no help in the treble region. 

Agreed on previous comments - a super tweeter will not add sparkle.  Most of these drivers can and will reproduce frequencies up to 20khz and beyond.  You will really not "hear" anything a super tweeter would potentially add, unless you have a very damped room (with lots of sound absorption).

It's amazing that many people do not realize that much of the perceived high frequencies are actually coming from BOTH the midrange and tweeter.  There is a huge amount of high frequency detail that comes from midrange drivers as low as 3,000 to 5,000 hz.  The quality of the midrange can definitely affect how you feel about the "sweetness" of the highs.  I have experienced this by comparing a coated paper midwoofer with a coated magnesium midwoofer - in the exact same cabinet with the same tweeter.  Crossover at that point was 3khz.  So, if you love the sparkle and sweetness of the totems or Gallo, it is likely that the Revel sound more "sterile" or "flat" to your ears.

A friends B&W 802D2 has that sparkle I'm referring to as well. Ringing tweeter also?