Interconnects and non-believers

For anyone who denies there are differences in cables, I have news for you.
There are vast differences.  I just switched interconnects between my CD transport (Cyrus) and DAC (Schiit Gumby), and the result was transformational.  Every possible parameter was improved: better definition, better soundstaging,  better bass, better depth etc.
I can’t understand how any audiophile with ears can deny the differences.  Is it delusion or dogma?

I got the RS at 42k, yes a lot of cash but a whole lot of fun.
And if I keep my lead foot out of it still get 28mpg.


Why cannot serve two masters or three or four?
Same principles of research and application.
Admittedly car upgrades do tend to be a little more universally reliable in outcome.
Along with the high costs of cables, another big obstruction is the ego---have to get it out of the way in favor of some humility.  Many attach themselves to someone else's dogma and just camp there, thinking the debate is solved: cables are just cables.  
"He who knows that he does not know, knows."  
Enough, Grasshopper........ 
After several hours of listening to my cheap AC cord. (Marinco ends, $12.99 or so each. And Carol 12/3 wire 13 ft cost like $13.No problems with the sound. Just as nice as it was before. (Actually slightly warmer presentation.)
I suppose if I actually did a serious comparison I could nit pick my way into defending spending $350 for the Pangea powercord (4 meter AC9SE)Mainly I am trying to decide if blowing a grand on a powercord could be rationalized.. LOL (So far, no way.)I may just buy some OFC wire to compare that too?Cheapest bulk OFC powercord 12 gauge is like $100 for 13 ft.
Lizzie, when you get serious about a power cord get the Audioquest Hurricane. There is no substitute. Thank me later.


My view on cables isn’t a settled one, but I have hunches and inferences I’ve drawn from my own meagre tests and experience, and from following the cable debate for many years.

In the spirit of exchanging anecdotes: I only use the regular supplied AC cables with all my gear.

Yet somehow when I listen to systems in which every AC cord has been replaced with expensive upmarket cords, and there are power regenerators and all the things claimed to make revelatory differences....I come back home and hear on my system pretty much all the glorious things I heard on the super-expensive-ac-cable systems. In fact, I tend to think more highly of the sound I have at home.

I guess my ears are made of cloth :-)