Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

I have one Mat on top of my resolution audio opus21 CD player and it has dropped the noise floor dramatically while making the music more dramatic, impactful and engaging throughout the frequency spectrum. The soundstage is the first thing I immediately noticed after it was installed. The dynamics etc... came one day after it was installed. I will not be removing it. 

I thought that it sounded so good that I ordered a second one for my office system dac.

Enjoying the music,


I’ll try to further clarify my impressions of the the Omega mats in my system:

They certainly bring a substantial increase in resolution, transparency and clarity. What makes them so remarkable, though, is that this doesn't come at the expense of the life, energy and vitality of the music. Often, it seems, one of these sets of attributes is traded off for the other. If you've been in this hobby for a while, you've probably heard a system that has plenty of resolution, transparency and clarity, but is lacking in life, energy and vitality (or maybe vice versa). Having both at the same time, which, IMO, is the ultimate goal, can be quite elusive.

The addition of the Omega mats has greatly enhanced my system's ability to play music with both sets of attributes.


I just ordered 1 mat and wondering where did you find the mat most and least effective? I contacted Oregonpapa and he recommended the power panel.
Great question ronrags. If I was to get just one mat where would the most benefit come from? I have everything in my system on star sound platforms so I like that the Omega mat is magnetic so if it’s not possible to put on top of a component with tubes it could possibly go underneath. I’m guessing either my DAC or power conditioner that has everything plugged into it would be a good spot. But the panel makes sense too...
@t_ramey Good point concerning the power conditioner since everything is plugged into it.