What is the best HEAVY METAL speaker?

I know totally blasphemy question here on Audiogon. But you like what you like, right? Anyway, I know most metal music is totally compressed and recorded horrible (aka Metallica) however there is a new age of metal bands out there that are starting to change that (Opeth started with Blackwater Park). So what speakers out there can take the pounding of a double bass drum kit hitting at full throttle and give the roar of metal guitar justice. There has to be a set up that would make Glen Tipton turn his head and say hell ya!
I have a home speaker that will blow away any JBL... for heavy metal...

Dual 15" TAD woofers; it uses a JBL horn, although it is driven by a custom built compression driver with powered by a field coil. No alnico here. Later versions of the same speaker have a machined maple horn that has lower distortion.


On and on...
I would take on most comers with my setup and OHM 5s, at least on my home court or in a similar fair home venue. Maybe not in a large auditorium or arena though. I would defer to the high efficiency horns for that.
I have a home speaker that will blow away any JBL... for heavy metal...

Dual 15" TAD woofers; it uses a JBL horn, although it is driven by a custom built compression driver with powered by a field coil. No alnico here. Later versions of the same speaker have a machined maple horn that has lower distortion.

Those look great. So, what is the price of those babies?
^^ It depends on what options are installed. I think the base price is around $12,000/pair, with all the options I think they are about $37,000/pair.

Options are field coil powered woofers (there is an 18" available now), Mundorf caps in the crossover, and a larger diaphragm on the mid driver, which is beryllium with a Kapton surround and has no breakups in the audio passband.