Replacing generic RECEPTACLES

How important is it to replace your generic receptacles with audio grade receptacles . I already replaced my stock power cords to high end Shunyatas. Would it still be necessary to still change my generic receptacles to audio grade? 
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@folkfreak ..........Dont know what you mean about your carbon fiber face plate vibrating... I had no problem with the center hole screw tightening or stripping.... It tightened very well and very secure with no vibration. I also used the Furutech GTX D-R.. Not the SR. Maybe they are somewhat different. 
@tattooedtrackman agreed it feels tight but the fact is the only thing supporting the faceplate the screw in the middle and the pressure against the frame around. The faceplate can vibrate relative to the surround at the edges and damping this is worth a try if you have some materials on hand. Glad the Furutech outlets have better screws then SR however
I just posted this n another thread about outlets.." The most interesting thing to my mind full of economic stuff is the cost of high end duplex. Compared to cables, which can range from a few dollars to $multiple tens of thousands per meter pair! ditto speaker cables and powercords. duplex are NOT expensive. decent cost $6 good cost $50 The best cost less than $300. (and are on sale of late for a lot less) Which is only the price of a moderate cost pair of IC. Dirt cheap in the grand scheme of uber $$$$ wire stuff. So for high end audio, the one place where high end money driven madness has NOT struck is duplex outlets. " (even a simple power strip can cost $3000 plus) But I bet the top prices will soon double.. Just a hunch.also: " So with all that in mind I jumped in and bought a dozen Furutech duplex. 7 gold, 5 Rhodium, Planning mass burn in, daisy chaining 10 of them them all front to back. (two are already in use) .. for a month.(note I am not fussing about trying every outlet from Tesla to Blue whatever.)
For the cost of two pair of the sort of IC I am now using, I can have every important outlet in my system/conditioners and such high end duplex." And yes it may be a tiny change but that is what matters. And the fact i will never have to change them again.All this in preparation for perhaps trying a real high end powercord. but first I have to optimize the system on the new duplex when they are broken in.
OK I connected FIVE new outlets daisy chain style and plugged them into the Kitchen wall between my plugs for stereo and wall. I only have five of the ten total, which arrived. Five is plenty to have plugged together anyway! Leave them there for at least two weeks.. I put up a big sign on top of them. In case I die and some dummy touches them live... Not good.Listening to the stereo through five new Furutech in a row... A bit thin sounding... But at least they all will be broken in equally.. LOL

My only fear is scratching up the interior of the new duplex with the silver plated raw wire ends... To connect them I added 5 cm 12 gauge  wire to back (on each side of each duplex) bent to flow into the face slots of the next duplex. I tied the duplex together with hair bands along the top and bottom duplex attachment points.
I stopped waiting for the 500 hours, I could not stand waiting for 200 hours. SO I pulled two duplex off the burn in.                
I also had to redo the end of the AC to the amp area (I previously split the quad AC wires into two branch AC duplex boxes. I had to take apart the previous work, and fix it up. (The main concern was keeping the HOT wires marked, so no fooling around searching which are the hot. (since all are the same color))             
I redid the quad twist all the way to the end, and used both pair of wires into BOTH duplex. One being Furutech GTX DR NCF, and the other a Furutech GTX D gold. Mainly so I can swap and discover which I like better for the amp, over time. (And this gives the amp 2 twelve gauge AC or an actual 9 gauge extension from the far kitchen 20 amp outlet). Since to do the work the stereo was off for about two hours.. So no just flipping a switch and say wow, nice.The next task is to install duplex into the Furman power conditioner.