Which Nakamichi to choose?

I have the opportunity to get a very good Nak Cassettedeck 1 or a DR-2. Which one would you choose? And why?
Thanks for giving a newbie some valuable advice.
The main difference between the two decks is the Deck 1 will let you adjust azimuth to fine tune the sound with each tape type. The DR-2 does not. Other than that they are pretty comparable decks the DR-2 being a bit newer has slightly better specs. I've owned and like the DR-2 never used the Deck-1 and I wouldn't pay much attention to the specs as regards sound quality.
If you're thinking about archiving precious records, don't think twice. Get a Nak. The medium is viable, the sound good, the build excellent. 

I have owned 5 Naks, and still own 3: an XR-7 and two CR-7a's. The XR-7 is used for a music reference in my lab, where vinyl is not practical. Don't let the digitizers put you off a good technology, well executed. 
If you're thinking about archiving precious records, don't think twice. Get a Nak. The medium is viable, the sound good, the build excellent.
What's the consensus these days on whether or not to use Dolby when recording?  Proper bias is of course very important, but would you archive vinyl using Dolby?

If both are in the same condition, the best choice would be the Cassettedeck 1. The DR-2 is newer, however the Deck 1 has the better transport. The Deck 1 has, what some techs call, the basic Dragon transport. It is cast metal and the DR-2's transport is stamped metal. Also, the Deck 1 has real time monitoring, not a feature on the DR-2. Here's a link for more info.


Calling a cassette deck (especially a Nakamichi deck) a “turd” is just wrong! Anyone who still listens to cassettes knows what I mean. The medium gets a bad rap as it only moves the tape at 1.75” per second. OK, it’s not reel-to-reel but it can sound really good with high quality commercial cassettes. The cassettes can still be found at thrift stores, sometimes in the original plastic wrappers, for a quarter. People who still own and use Nakamichi decks know what I mean.