I haven't sold hardly anything in a month, is anyone else having that problem,or is it me........autospec
It could be just the time of the year but I do not think so. I mean this is not the first July to December period I have sold gear in and its truly never been like this.
Now small ticket items that are keenly priced are still moving fairly well headphones, cables etc.
However higher priced items have either got to be the absolute flavour of the day or priced stupidly low to sell quickly.
Now if, as some have intimated, that means I need to sell an item that is truly 9.5 out of 10 at 65% off mrsp then its never going to happen! Not here. I would like to sell my items sure but I am darn well not going to give them away.
I do not mind meeting at a fair compromise but right now people are not even talking any numbers.
Imho it is pretty sure out there.
I’m sure there is a plethora of reasons for this decline. My view is that many of us already have the system we want. Sure, we’ll make a few changes but not as many as we used to make. We’ve realized that we can’t take this stuff with us.

Also, prices are higher and the trend seems to be toward equipment that we’re not interested in buying. This is not an attack on computer audio, but many of the Audiogon members have a house full of old tech stuff; vinyl, cassettes, and CDs are in most everyone’s collection. Yesterday’s high end products are becoming obsolete, but they still sound good AND they’re paid for. Look at cables! RCA and balanced are dead, it’s all USB now. Do I really want to start over?

So...will people still be buying here on Audiogon? Of course, maybe just not as much as in the past. Most of the above comments are unique to me, but I believe they could be said by many other members. Feel free to disagree.
I'll agree with others that HiFi sales are down due to various reasons; eg, audiophiles are satisfied with their systems (for now), asking prices too high, low-ball offers, summer slowdown. Add to that the untested roll-out of the terrible new Agon format and I'm sure views of the classifieds have dropped off. I don't browse the sale items anymore.

It seems, though, there is still interest in upgrading HiFi gear...on USA Mart. I have bought an item and sold one this summer at fair prices.

As a buyer ready to pull the trigger, its frustrating to see so many potential items as "local pickup only." Nothing like getting your heart pumping only to see those three dreaded words.