Cartridge for Technics SL-1200G or SL-1200GR

I've been using a Technics SL-1600MK2 since about 1982.  I'm currently using an Ortofon Blue cartridge.  I have a NAD M12 pre, M22 v2 PA, and Tannoy 8 dcti speakers.

I plan to upgrade to a 1200G or 1200GR and wanted some cartridge recommendations from current owners.  I've considered the Ortofon Black for either, but I'm not sure if that would be overkill for the 1200GR. The Blue sounds pretty good with my current setup, so how much improvement could I expect if I went with the Black.  
The SL-1200G /GR are very nice turntables, but I feel they aren’t -that- much of a step up from the SL-1600mk2
The plinth and platter of the SL1200G are much better damped (the SL1600 has no damping in the platter at all) and the plinth of the SL1200G is also more rigid. This makes for a more neutral 'table, and its also more speed stable. The better your system, the more you hear these differences, especially with the volume up.
After much thought, I’m going with the G.  I’ll start with my Ortofon Blue.  I’ve never used an MC cart, but plan to buy one.  

I want to thank everyone for the advice and recommendations. 
Atmasphere said:
The plinth and platter of the SL1200G are much better damped (the SL1600 has no damping in the platter at all) and the plinth of the SL1200G is also more rigid. This makes for a more neutral 'table, and its also more speed stable. The better your system, the more you hear these differences, especially with the volume up.
The present turntable of the OP is a SL-1600mk2, which is greatly improved in the sense of isolation and damping over its precursor, the SL-1600. While the plinth has no damping material, it is isolated from the spring-suspended base of TNRC on which the platter spindle and tonearm are mounted. The plinth in this design has no bearing on the turntable’s isolation. The platter on the SL-1600mk2 is heavily damped underneath by rubber material that is bonded to it. Further, the SL-1600mk2 platter mat is 6mm thick, made from a very dense rubber compound. With a virtually identical tonearm to the SL-1200G, there are very few improvements to be found in the SL-1200G over the SL-1600mk2.

On the other hand, you would find the older SL-1200mk2 to be quite inferior to the SL-1600mk2 because it has no isolation of the plinth from the base, which is nestled in a rubber enclosure on rubber feet. 
With a virtually identical tonearm to the SL-1200G, there are very few improvements to be found in the SL-1200G over the SL-1600mk2.
I've been using the SL-1600mk2 with my rec room systems for a very long time.  Back in the day I had two hooked up my Rodec mixer, but gave one away.  Looking back, I wish I'd kept it :-).

I'm now using the 1600 in my new listening room.  The SL-1200G will replace it, and it will go back to the rec room.  I even considered buying another 1600 from eBay for my listening room, simply because I love having a fully automatic turntable. 

I settled on the G because it's new, and paired with the right cart, I do expect improved SQ.  I also settled on the G because almost every reviewer and user gives it such high marks.  I plan to add KAB fluid damping; and better RCA and power cables.  And then sit back and enjoy the music.

On the other hand, you would find the older SL-1200mk2 to be quite inferior to the SL-1600mk2 because it has no isolation of the plinth from the base, which is nestled in a rubber enclosure on rubber feet.
Agreed! The older SL1200s have appearance only in common with the new SL1200G and GR, which are entirely different construction from the ground up. It is easy to confuse that the two must be the same animal with maybe some slight tweaks, but that isn't the case.