Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
amg54 sez:

  • "My father once told me to always look a person in the eye when speaking to them. And always look them in the eye listening to them. Why? Aversion to the truth. If a person does not tell you to your eye what the truth is, then they are not to be trusted. (And yes, blind people can do the same actually)."

I couldn’t agree with you more. After a 50 year career in 100% commissioned sales, not only did I study personality types, but body language as well. The eyes and mouth tell a lot about a person’s honesty. Believe me, I can spot a charlatan a mile away ... because to the trained eye, they throw off red flags all over the place.


Hi Frank,

No one likes to be criticized. Hence your response. But I was not criticizing anyone or anything. I made note that there was no information forthcoming, as is the right of a consumer to expect.

Being in Australia, 30 day money back guarantee does me no favours. By the time I receive it, apply it, determine its ability to enhance my system (and change mat places as so many have described), have the TC in place for at least the stated 8 week period, and so on, leaves me out cold cash not in hand and no recourse to refund my outlay (as is happening to me by another US based identity/company).

Maybe I have less faith in this process as I cannot look the person in the eye.


Your "Whatever" file must be full by now. Congrats on exceeding 12,000 posts. Most of which I see as useless banter, rather than informative and seeking meaningful engagement.

amg56 - we’ve been over all this before. Don’t you remember? The clock starts ticking when you get the product, not when it’s shipped. Everybody and his brother knows that. And you should get results right away, from what customers say, you don’t have to wait 8 weeks. Eat more fish, that way you won’t have to ask the same question over and over again.
AMG56I hear your concerns especially after the corepowertech debacle and the money you are out and I can certainly understand your worries.
I know it will not do much good just myself telling you this,but Tim is not even remotely close to that type of mentality or personality as Mark displayed towards the end.

I cannot speak for him I know, but I would be shocked if Tim ignored you or did not honor his word if you tried his goods and decided they did nothing for you in your system.
I waited a fair while before taking the plunge on cards, mats and tc paste but the number and quality of people coming forward saying the same thing made me take a leap, of faith if you want to use that thought process.
I do not regret one single dollar spent!

On the E Cards ...

As mentioned before in an earlier post, I put one inside the protective case of the cell phone with good results. That left four cards that needed a home in the system. I'm thinking of putting them inside, alongside of the crossovers ... two cards in each speaker.

Tonight, I placed all four cards across the ends of my power cords where they connect to the equipment. One on the pre-amp, one on the amp, one on the CD player, and finally, one across the power cord from the power conditioner where it plugs into the wall.

I've only been listening for about an hour or so, mostly to female vocal ballads that I know really well. So far, I'm hearing a slight reduction in digital grain around voices, faster around the leading edges of instruments, especially guitar and percussion and a more relaxed and generally quieter presentation overall without anything being "dulled." Its just more music coming through ... similar to what the Omega E Mats do. 

When I do the crossovers (a real pain to get to) I'll report back on that. 
