Best MM?

I want to try a MM with my Herron VTPH-2a. What's the best one? Maestro 2, Zephyr III, AT VM760SLC? Something else?

The purpose of this forum is to enable each person to get the best bang for their buck.

It has taken me many years to discover the cartridge for me "that I could afford". This is a long story that I won't try to shorten. Way back when Corey Greenberg at Stereophile was my go to reviewer, I bought everything he recommended that I needed. I still have 3 preamps he recommended that are working. Naturally I bought the cartridge he recommended, and he recommended it wholeheartedly.

I found this cartridge to be hard and lifeless. It seemed everyone on this forum liked that particular cartridge except me; that's when I began the long discovery process.

First and foremost, some objective search for "the best" of anything is a foolish search; if such a thing existed, you couldn't afford it, and if you could, you would have one of your "underlings" find it for you.

Yes! There is a best cartridge in your price range; it is the best cartridge for you, and you will have to make the expensive process of elimination and discovery.

I have my complete record collection on an "external hard drive"; consequently I can review records all day long without leaving my listening chair. After upgrading to my present cartridge, I noticed a remarkable change in the music; each record seemed to reveal the essence of the musicians intentions. That caused me to decide to re-record my entire collection, and since then, I have a perpetual smile on my face.

It's not easy being a "musiophile/ audiophile" with complete emphasis on the music.
Been running a Grado Statement v2 as of late and I just love it. Traded in an older Grado Ref. v1( started out way back with a Sonata) and it was only 1k for new one. I’m glad to see new v2 Grados get a mention here. I’ve often wondered if I was just fooling myself about Grados in general and why the generally dismissive tone about them except for the more ubiquitous thumbs up for vintage Grado sig or whatever. Anyway a grand is a lot of money still and I’m not saying it’s the best, but I really like mine and one day I’ll try something else I’m sure. More and more though I’m less interested in scratching that curiosity itch, maybe I’n gettin closer to finding my sound, or tired of blowing money, I don’t know. 

Chakster, which vintage cartridge would you recommend for me if you are familiar with Nottingham ?

PMed you 

5,655 posts
10-27-2018 1:20pm
There are some marvelous cartridges in the 1K price range;

Hmmmm...interesting thing about that 6 Moons review. The author says this:

"Cartridge man Leonard Gregory doesn’t consider the Rega arms to be suitable for the Music Maker. In general, I suspect it’s happiest with a really good unipivot ....."

Hadcock is a unipivot. Both the latter version of the arm and MM cart are developed Len Gregory (the CartridgeMan) and they are commonly paired together and considered a very synergistic match.

The 6 Moons reviewer used the Hadcock in his almost over-the-top praise of the MM cart.

I own the Hadcock 242 arm and listened extensively with the MM cart. Quite contrary to the above and popular wisdom (that the springy MM cart does best with light unipivots) I MUCH prefer it on my Rega and OL arms. Maybe I’m just a fan of fixed bearing over unipivot? Or maybe I just didn’t nail the setup with the Hadcock?

I doubt it’s the latter since I futzed with it quite a bit , encouraged by all the positive reports on the pairing. But I could never achieve the sublime synergy I so often read about.

Like in many things audio......go figya!

Fourwnds, sometime you have to go against the wind; such is the case with Grado and this forum.

"More and more though I’m less interested in scratching that curiosity itch, maybe I’n gettin closer to finding my sound, or tired of blowing money, I don’t know."

Fourwnds, I would say all of the above. Although I would try a lot of things if it began raining money in my listening room, I don't expect that to happen.

On the serious side, I'm just enjoying my record collection immensely without thinking about anything other than how good the music sounds, and that's what I say to you;

Enjoy the music.