What amps should I audition?

I’m thinking ahead (crazy I know)

I want to purchase a high end amplifier next year, maybe an integrated or just a power amp.

I would be looking to spend around 15k max on an integrated, and 8-10k on a power amp separate (funds to acquire a preamp will be got at a later date next year)

What brands and what model from each brand should I try to get a home audition for? 

I should note I would probably be buying new as I can’t imagine I will be able to get a home audition with used gear. I’m open to buying used, but I’d have to get an audition in a system like mine, or actually in my system... I don’t really want to buy anything without auditioning first. On a related note, what is the easiest or best way to get a dealer relationship started, one where he would let me home audition? I’m even willing to pay 100% deposit if it means I can return it no questions ask after the audition period, but the dealers I’ve asked to do this with so far have refused. I always see people on this forum saying they manage to do that. I’m a bit at a loss how they manage to pull that off.

Anyway some more ideas: Bryston amps and Nagra Classic pre? This was the only setup I’ve heard on my speakers and it was quite magical. I really like the Nagra, and the Bryston combo. Used, it could be got within my budget. New.. not so much. I could swap out the Brystons with the matching Nagra amp, maybe. Or even just go for the Nagra Classic Integrated. All within my budget (if used) and with my speakers 96db sensitivity I should be good to go with the Nagra 100wpc rating.

other ideas: mcintosh mc462 or mc275 mk vi. 
Pass Labs XA30.8 or XA60.8 or XA100.8
Acxuphase e-470
Luxman 509X 

Actually that’s all I’ve really come up with so far. I am open to hearing any thoughts, concerns or ideas you may have. I do believe all the above mentioned amps will better my Kinki EX-M1. 

Cabling will be upgraded to Audience before any of this by the way. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xd2girls
If we are just throwing ideas hoping one will stick... I wish I had the chance to try the Carver Crimson 350 Raven monoblocks. They are the only amps I would like to try besides just buying a Bryston Cubed something. Pair of 7B3s or a 14B3
Ditto Rogers Fidelity...made in USA, lifetime warranty, hand wired, looks cool (a fact), and I've heard 'em...know people who own them, and if I wasn't happy with my Dennis Had Firebottle amp I'd buy one tomorrow. Expensive, but possibly worth every penny. Note that Class A solid state amps are really going for that wonderful tube sound...so use tubes instead and you're there!
@elizabeth very interesting what Bryston Cubed specs(high level, page 4) indicate. I wish there are proper measurements published by someone for one of the cubed series amp. 
@elizabeth something I noticed is that designers like Parasound, Coda and few others shield the toroidal transformer but Bryston continues not to. Any implications of that?.
I found some measurements for Bryston 14B3 :). They are quite amazing for a Class AB amp putting out 900 Watts @ 4ohm: http://hifilounge.co.uk/image/attachments/Bryston/Bryston%2014B%20Cubed%20Review.pdf

Not sure what to make of this. Anyone care to point out something that can do better for same $ and watts?.