Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers

I'm going to take a several hour road trip to the Washington DC/Baltimore area to demo some speakers in the $10,000 range for a once in a lifetime purchase. I plan on listening to some Magico A3's, Aerial Acoustic 7T's, and Spendor D-9's. One of the dealers also has Paradigm Persona 3F's on the floor, so I'll take a listen to them too. While I'm up there are there any other speakers in that price range you'd recommend I try to locate and take a listen to. I'm open to and welcome your suggestions and will take the time to research each one as well.

I'm not in the market for used equipment. Thanks for any and all suggestions.


Neal, thanks for the advice. I did recently end up getting the Luxman 507uX Mark II with 210 watt per channel into 4 ohms which I hope should be sufficient to drive them. That adventure was documented on my recent amp thread which ended up morphing into a speaker cables thread. I did call Krell which Magico recommended prior to settling on the Luxman. Magico is currently demoing at shows with the Luxman 509(?), I think, which is one model higher up their line of integrated amps.

I looked up a review of your Audience 24SX cables. Sounds like you made a good choice there, although one that’s unfortunately over twice my $1000 budget. Magico recommended Audioquest Rocket 88’s, and MIT or Transparent speaker cables. I might end up with the Rocket 88’s because Magico uses them at their show demos, or their next one up their line, Castle Rocks, if I can find a pair used for the same money.

I’m looking forward to their arrival in February, but not to having to haul both upstairs. Glad to hear you like your’s. I’ve been researching Shunyata and Audioquest power conditioners to give them a yet cleaner, noise free sound. Take it easy,


Names2, I’ll check out your site.

Omargaffar, sounds like you’ll have a great sounding system with all those goodies. Any idea when your are supposed to arrive?

Inna, thanks for the info on the LAST record treatmnet..

I'm in a similar situation to yours when you started this thread (looking to upgrade speakers with a max $10K budget), and so have followed your journey with great interest and have learned a great deal from all the discussions, especially as my knowledge about high-end audio is quite limited.  
I don't mean to re-open the discussion, but wondered if you'd be willing to share: (a) the list of the 11 speakers that were on your long shortlist, and (b) whatever template (set of questions/criteria/whatever) you used to make comparison notes on speakers.
[In case this is relevant context: I only recently auditioned my first (for me) high-end speakers (GoldenEar Triton Reference), wasn't very impressed by the improvement over my current GE Triton 7's + Hsu Research subwoofer, and so am going down the rabbit-hole, and thinking about many of the same speakers you were.  But auditioning for me will require many separate trips over an extended period of time, as I'm in a small midwest town, and different speakers are carried by numerous different dealers scattered in a 3-4 hour radius.]

Otinkyad, The speakers on my list were:

Aerial Acoustics 7T $11,000.00
Legacy Focus SE $10,600.00
Magico A3 $9,800.00
Monitor Audio PL200 II $11,500.00
Paradigm Persona 3F $10,000.00
ProAc D48r $10,900.00
Revel F228BE $10,000.00
Spendor D9 $10,000.00
Vandersteen Treo CT $8,400.00
VonSchweikert Endeavor E3 Mk2 $8,000.00
Devore Gibbon Super 9 $9,9000

There was also a Joseph Audio model I had listed, but the closest dealer was just too far away in Pennsylvania. I had the Golden Ear Triton Reference on the list too but no dealers nearby either.

I’ve since thrown all my notes away, but some of the things I was looking at was how clear and detailed their presentation was, what equipment was being used to demo them. You have to insist, and best call ahead of time, if you want them demoed with equipment similar to what you have or plan to get,. Otherwise they often use way better amps and sources than you’ll ever be able to get. Some refuse to even do that.

I took notes on how tight the bass response was, the quality of the upper midrange and treble response. Also their appearance, size, and how well they’d fit into our home without clashing with its furnishings. A lot of the towers especially are big, garish and imposing looking. I also had to find out how close they could be placed to a wall, as I had to place them close as possible, and whether they were ported or not, as I was avoiding ported ones due to the wall closeness issue. I had dealers move the speakers as close to the wall as possible, even when I could see the were getting annoyed as they can weigh a ton and took notes on that.

I also took notes on how each recording I brought along sounded as well as a couple I had them pick out, that they knew would show off the speakers well. There might of been other things I’m not recalling but that should give you a good start. Also overall impressions and anything distinctive about their sound. I also noted how well they sounded at varied sound levels and from outside the room for reasons explained in the thread by others.

Happy hunting. It’s a lot of fun. Watch out and note if some dealers are getting slick or not being helpful, because you might have to deal with them again if you have any problems. I ran into a couple of them.  I noted how the speakers would be shipped if not in stock. If you're hours away from the store they can find out for you if the manufacturer will direct ship to your house. Magico will they found out, which is what I'm having done. Hope this helps.

@skyscraper Congrats on your A3's! I heard them just the other week on Hegel gear and they were mighty impressive. As always though, it is hard to tell how they will sound in my system, in my home but it left an impression on me that I am finding hard to forget. 

I also am considering the Proac D48R. Did you get a chance to listen to those and how would you compare them to the Magico's?
That’s exactly how I felt Freesole.. I didn’t get to hear the Proacs. They were to be my next stop to audition on my trip to DC, but I was so impressed by the Magico’s I just had to have them. Their sound was just so crisp and clear, and had an un-speaker like quality I couldn’t easily describe. Even some extremely expensive speakers I’ve heard didn’t have it. I’ve heard Quad electrostatics with that quality, and an old Ohm tower years ago that had that aspect in the upper frequencies, but not top to bottom.

On a much, much smaller scale, it was a little like when I met my wife of many years for the first time, thinking "wow". Sounds stupid, but it is analogous. When she was available a couple of years later I couldn’t marry her fast enough. Couldn’t buy those Magico’s fast enough either, which is why I forgot to go to the Proac demo. I’m hardly the impulsive type either, but knew I’d found what I wanted.

I expect I’ll be happy with those A3’s indefinitely too, plus write one check and you’re done, no courting involved. Real life should be as straight forward. Take care,
