What is the most dramatic way of increasing a speaker's Bass and Low mid?


I am wondering what would give the most dramatic increase in bass and low mid projection/Volume, even on account of accuracy ...

My speakers can go down to 28hz but i need to boost it’s level, not frequency extension. They are 2 way with bass reflex port. 6.5" woofer size and a tweeter. Floor standing.

My floor is old hardwood strips.

placement and coupling methods are the first things that come to mind. I do not want to add an equalizer at this point.

Spikes, footers, concrete platform, direct floor flush contact? anything and everything that YOU know works.
Speculations on untested methods are not needed as i need real life experience from people.


The Joule amps totally changed the tonal balance and clarity in all freqs. So for now i am getting used to that. Its not to say the Merlins are not seemingly bright speakers, I say seemingly because i think it is a perception built on past experience, but they do not hurt me now as they may have before. Its a journey. I also realize that hearing so clearly can hurt you at first, just like what happens to your eyes when the light is up after a long time in darkness... let the eyes get used to all the detail...;)

How about a lower speaker stand, and then tilting the speakers back?  Lowering a speaker 3-4 inches can reinforce the bass, and also change drastically the frequency of the null you get from floor bounce.  You'll need to tilt them back though, to maintain proper driver alignment from your listening position.  

I highly doubt you're really going to make changes to the speaker themselves and get much of an impact.... improving the room and the surrounding equipment would be where I would start.

For example, what amp are you using? With my previous speakers, my Bel Canto REF500M sounded amazing and when switching speakers, although they never sounded bad, the change to Pass XA60.5 added lots of "flesh" and dimensionality. The lack of bass and mid bass might very well be a mismatch between amp and speakers.

And you're argument for cables... I understand, I work with engineers every single day, but fact is that there are things in life that are not measurable yet perceived as improvements. I think cables and digital transports both fall within this category.
Dear @dumbeat: So, now you are ok with the bass/low mid you were asking for.

Btw, the comparison you did it between the ATC speakers vs the Merlin is not at all a good reference because the Merlin is in reality a two way speaker where the ATC is a 3-way and more important than that is that the ATC are active speakers with dedicated amps for each driver, amps that meets the specific drivers needs. Big difference vs Merlin's.

There are other alternatives to achieve even better quality performance levels from your Merlin's other than the change you made it with the amp but if rigth now problem was fixed the is useless to post about.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
Hey Raul, tone is much much better. Overall warmth that i was after is much closer to the mark. At the same time the Merlins have their character which is still on the bright side. Still lacking bit if "Body" for lack of a better word.
At this time im running from DAC with variable gain directly to the Joule amps.
I should get the Joule preamp this weekend. Hopefully this takes me a step closer.

Im open to more ideas. Don't hold back...Its a journey...;)