Discovering I may have the cleanest AC power in USA

PS Audio Noise Harvesters are on sale. $50 each.. So naturally I had to buy a pair. 36 hours later in my home.Well I clean the prongs, Caig Gold them, and plug them in.
I am wondering broken? DOA?
I move them to other outlets not on my stereo in the kitchen, in the bathroom (the bathroom has a air cleaner plugged in the same outlet, motor running). OK a single blink.
I remember the dimmer thing. Plug the Noise Harvesters into the stereo again.. and turn on the only dimmer in the place (in the bedroom, on a different circuit) KABLAM!!! Now they are blinking pretty regular. OK they are NOT broken.They also blink when I put them on an Adcom AC box also on different circuit than stereo. Both the Cable internet box and the WiFi box are on it. And yes they blink every minute or so.I checked the Furman REF 20 outlets, no blink. The direct to the amp.. no blink.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
So I apparently have just naturally the cleanest AC line in America? (For my stereo equipment.)
Part of it may be the fact I packed the duplex enclosure 20 amp single line I use for the stereo with small quartz crystals coated with Automotive dielectric grease, in small baggies, the duplex is also the Furutech GTX NCF type, and the wall plugs are also filled with the loose small quartz crystals, plus some flattened baggies of the crystals wrapped around the outside shell of the plugs at the wall
Good thing I only ordered two of the Noise Harvesters. More are not needed. (and I actually do not even need the two. but that is OK. I can keep them as a sentinel, to know if I ever get noise on the lines.
So I do not know if my home made anti noise crystals work magic? (along with the Furutech NCF which is basically a refined version of my own crystals) or if I really do have some of the cleanest AC around. (PS I live in a 90 unit apartment building, folks above below, around me. Things like my frig I have several ferrite cores with the AC zipcord wire wrapped in and around them, ditto air cleaners, lamps..
kodak805... Seems YOU are interested in what I could or do not find on my AC lines WAY MORE THAN I AM. LOL             
As it is, not reluctance, more like I really do not care, nor am I worried. So why should I waste money to satisfy YOUR curiosity?
Elizabeth,  I am in no way trying to tell you what to do.  I was merely providing information from my own experience.  It was you after all who began this thread regarding clean power.

Respectfully, you are the one who criticized my choice in a power level meter and suggested alternative devices.  That is fine.  This forum is to inform.  My curiosity has long been satisfied regarding my own power needs.  I was merely hoping i might be of some modest help to others.

I apologize if my tone offended in any way.
I'm always amazed at how a tread can take a turn from the original statement or question .
The HF meter is a good tool , but a better one would be an oscilloscope
where you can see the interference on the AC sign wave .

As for the PS Audio noise harvesters , 
don't look just listen . 
I noticed a minor improvement with 2 and a larger one with 5 
all on the stereo systems circuit .

I bought five more. So with seven, I will see how it goes...Immediate impression is the background black is 'blacker'..Noticed watching PBS TV "Arthur" cartoon the smooth blobs of color are totally free of grain, perfectly smooth. Enough to note it.Treble seems a tiny bit sweeter in stereo. Little more detail in general.                               
Two on amp line. three on Furman (One on high power, used for preamps, one at Plasma TV one at Marantz SA-10) , one on PS Audio P-600, and one at powercord to Furman.During normal stereo operation, only the one on PS Audio P-600 where five disc CD changer is blinking at all.Plasma TV turned on makes the two on Furman blink like crazy. IPlasma off no blinking)
Dimmer in bedroom at half on only makes the amp line pair blink a little.   
I am of the opinion that even with no blinking, the Noise Harvesters may be doing something...
An oscilloscope is the only way to go.  A unit with a 100 MHz bandwidth is suitable and very affordable if you buy a used one but more bandwidth is better.   You do need two channels since you have to do a differential measurement and you will need two identical test probes with at least 50% more bandwidth than the scope has.   The catch is, you have to eliminate the 60 Hertz voltage or you won't see anything else.  Some scopes have high pass filters, but most do not.   What you need is a good filter that kills everything below 50KHz to 100 KHz.  Now that I think about it, at work we do a lot of business with several transformer companies, I'll see if any of them have a test isolation transformer for this sort of thing.  If so, I will post the part number here, they should not be too expensive.  For those of you with access to a scope, you can be amazed and have sleepless nights when you see what is coming down your line!