Affordable integrated pure class A?

Any recommendations on a pure class A integrated under 2k? Is the Belles Arias Class A?
@steakster Yes I’m struggling to figure out how to work through all the possible combinations of equipment I could possibly pair and how to sequence purchasing. I know people say you’ve got to go out and hear stuff but a) you can’t hear everything you’re interested in around you and b) that takes a lot of time. Or are you supposed to max out your card and order multiple amps and speakers and play around with that? Or just do your research and blind faith buy well regarded gear knowing that the system is going to be so much better than anything you’ve owned that you’ll probably be happy with it and if you’re not you can resell it? I’m leaning towards the latter, and leaning towards starting with Fritz speakers and building around that.

Then the question becomes how good of an amp do you need with the speakers to where you reach diminishing returns? 

The one thing I think I’ve got down is the Bluesound node 2i. Seems to be a unanimous choice for a budget streamer with a good enough DAC to get started.

Sorry for the tangent.
b) that takes a lot of time
Hobbies tend to do that.
Or are you supposed to max out your card
Been there. Don’t recommend it. ☹️
Or just do your research . . . knowing that the system is going to be so much better than anything you’ve owned . . .
Final answer. After purchasing your system, never visit an audio website again. It’s like stopping by to say hi to your former dealer. They always have great new stuff that you got to try.
I'm hoping it's more of a one time purchase than a hobby - like purchasing the best washer/dryer for me :D. I want to get back to the hobby of music enjoyment. 
Get a used Sugden integrated if you really want affordable class A. They have been in business a long time and service what they have sold. Very reliable.

Not a lot of power so they need fairly efficient speakers.
Generally, a class A/B all tube amp sounds far better than most SS amps for comparable money, and one with Pentode/Triode switching will generally sound even better than that, and there are a lot of options for those including relatively inexpensive Primalunas to more pricey Rogers High Fidelity amps...and many in between. Not sure if anybody makes a tube single ended integrated amp, but although generally requiring efficient speakers, that could be even better sounding than most other options.