Clean Power without the drawbacks of Conditioning Filtering. Advice?


From reading i see there is a lot of talk on the drawbacks of Conditioning filtering. Dynamics and freq. limitations etc.

I want to ask if there is a power strip+cord that are not filtering. I think i could possibly get away without conditioning.
From searching it looks like there are the cheapo strips that you don't want to use OR Conditioning strips.

Wondering if there is a good reliable strip that does not screw around with the sound and can also deliver to an 800w consumption tube amp.

I have split analog from digital.. I use a Furman REF 20 for analog, and the PS Audio P-600 regenerator for digital, and run the 600 to output 110Hz instead of 60Hz.Until I bought a new  $$$ (with 5yr warranty) And felt I could not plug the new Marantz into the 110Hz device in case of a warranty problem.                            
Since the other digital really sounds better with the 110Hz.. I placed the Marantz on the Furman. Since the high current area of the Furman (which I use for preamps and phono boxes) is isolated from the low power section. I an confident the Marantz is not adding grung.(And using PS Audio Noise Harvesters, to sniff out hash on the AC line, The Marantz AC backwash has no HF 'spew' Unlike some of my other equipment. (the Plasma TV is a huge offender, but thankfully only when turned on)           
So basically only some audio boxes spew stuff. Some digital devices add nothing bad to the AC line. Finding out which ones DO, is valuable.
I don't use power strips.

They force you to be using a common power cord with everything plugged into it.
I use separate power cords instead, plugged into enough outlets. I had a few extra added! The ROMEX in the wall is better performance than a flexible power cord, and less heat is made by the AC power connectors (heat means voltage sag FWIW).

Dumbeat, no matter what you use or do, the first step is to run a dedicated line from your junction box to the vicinity of your rig and branch out from there.

@atmasphere, that sounds like the ideal situation. And I'll bet you run balanced electronics, so low-noise and no grounding issues.

orpheus, a dedicated 20 amp line may make a difference but it doesn't do anything about the electricity coming from outside. My understanding is that there are variables with respect to the degrees of effectiveness from a dedicated line. Would you say this is true or that the results are absolute?