Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???

I’m looking for a new amp & want Class D.

I’ve seen various brands mentioned, such as PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrel to name a few, but I’ve not heard any of them.

Which company is producing the best sounding Class D?
Which models should I be looking to demo?



I definitely don’t think there’s a need to wait for GaN semiconductor technology to ’trickle down’. As I believe you’ve already discovered, good class D performs exceptionally well.
But it still does not compete with the best linear amps.

I am also in this camp.  As a builder of audio components my partner and I have discussed making Class-D amps or anything similar.  So far, we cannot come up with anything that is better.  We recently built a pure class A power amp about 30wpc and it was killer.  Cost me about $600 to build one.

I recently heard the NuFocre (not the newest model) but an upgraded (with 5 watt power supply) and it was supposed to be really good.  But in direct comparison in my system it lasted less than a minute.  Just did nothing special and was not very musical.  Just my two cents.

If I was going to by a Class-D amp I would buy one that was reliable, could be serviced is needed and spend the least amount of money on it.  But that's just me, I'm cheap!

Happy Listening.  

eHello George, I have heard the ML NO.53 a couple of times, and... I agree 200% with the reviewer, for all parameters he mentioned.... To say that I did not like it would be an understatement.

If all other class D amps sounded like No.53, I would have never bothered adopting this class of operation in my system.... Thankfully, No.53 is an outlyer. THere are of course other class D amps that I have not cared for, but No.53 takes the cake, particularly at its nose-bleeding price point.

But George, haven't you learned yet that one cannot perform valid induction steps from a couple of anomalous samples?

As I said so many times.... Get out of the house, lots of nice stuff out there... Besides, who knows, you might even fall in love with No.53 *Grins!*



For a very honest product, within the UK, try Temple Audio from around Manchester. 
I did a similar research one year ago and considering my limited budget I ordered a pair of their monoblocks. I'm very satisfied and don't feel the hitch to change. Just took me a while finding a nice matching preamp...
And they make everything in house, from the amplification modules (proprietary, not ICE or Ncore or whatever) to the casing. They even let you personalise the cases - choosing the metal finishing and engravings. 
And one more thing, a very important one: the customer care is outstanding! Talk to John and he will answer all your questions. 
 I have heard the ML NO.53 a couple of times,
So have I, and the problems in the upper mids and tops while a bit different are there, they are also in similar way in all other class-D's I've heard.

I have not heard the Technics SE-R1 nor the Merrill Element 118, but the mids/highs areas of concern with Class-D that many hear, seem to be the areas they say they have addressed, which makes me very hopeful they are leading the way, to make Class-D hiend.  

FYI: I had 2 EP 100.2SEs (with upgraded fuses) for well over a year. I got the bug and bought a Audio Alchemy DPA-1 stereo amp. It is much richer in the midrange and bass, deeper and more holographic sound stage= much closer to real music