A New? Way to Buy Loudspeakers??

I'm not saying that this is going to save high end...or that this is the way that most of us will buy loudspeakers going forward...but you've got to give these guys credit for coming up with a new idea that might just pull a few more people into the "hobby" by lessening some of the risk, cost and hassle.

Check this out....and just give it a try for yourself with a decent set of headphones...


just pick some speakers and hit the compare button...then scroll to the bottom and hit the "compare these products" button
on the right....then follow the directions.

What do you think?
No doubt, it won't work for serious audiophiles....but is it clever enough to entice the 20 somethings into their first audio system...from which they can move up.  I'm not really sure because the young people today are often pulled or pushed in a direction by social medial influencers....so if Crutchfield could get a bunch of Instagram and Facebook mentions by the right celebrities....who knows?
I reckon you need to use this in a bake off between YG, MAgicos, Avalon Eidelons'...

The only problem with that is in the quality  they may expect .
crutchfield has midfi at best. 
I'm still thinking that if this an entry point for young people who only wear headphones...then midfi is better than nofi....and then later, they can always move up if they really get interested.
Well, it’s clever. And I suppose if your listening room in anechoic, and your budget for speakers matches Crutch’s price range, and your ear shape matches the microphone baffle, it might help narrow down which speakers to order for a home audition. To Crutchfield’s credit, the only real way to buy speakers, which is with a home audition, is possible because of their return policy.

I bought my first serious pair of speakers after exhaustive trips to audition various speakers in dealer showrooms. I was never really happy with my choice. I bought my current (and probably final) pair of speakers after a three month in-home audition, and I couldn’t be happier.