RadioParadise streaming FLAC

Any RadioParadise listeners on here?  RP recently announced lossless FLAC streaming through their  mobile apps and their Apple Desktop application.  There is no Lossless streaming URL at this time.

I normally stream it through the RP 320acc URL to a Wyred4Sound 96K moded SONOS Connect then coax to an external DAC.    I just connected up an old AppleTV and redirected the desktop RP application to the AppleTV for some A/B testing, also set the app to lossless.  But the desktop app is not the same track as the URL and I have been sick the last few days and my head feels like a balloon so A/B testing is suboptimal to say the least. 

Anyone else messing around with this?

@jbuhl, Thanks.   Unfortunately, Radio Paradise FLAC Streaming is not available on my Aurender N10 Music Server.   As I understand it, RP needs to make an API available to Aurender so they can build an interface to stream RP FLAC.  I emailed RB yesterday and asked for the status of an API Aurender can use to provide RP FLAC.    Thanks.

Or, maybe, another option is for RB to provide an URL for RP FLAC Streaming.  Thanks.  

I’ve streamed RP in the FLAC setting over the RP app on my iPhone > Airport Express > my main system for a couple of 2 hour-ish stretches now over the past 48 hrs..  Sounds very good to me...the high freq. seems ever so slightly rolled off compared with 16 bit AIFF vinyl conversions from my computer via the same AE...same with CD files ripped to the same computer.  I’m not “digital audio savvy” enough to know whether this might be some sort of Airport Express bottleneck though (or, indeed, whether it might be improved Sonics — it sounds more euphonic in a “balanced” sort of fashion the longer I listen.)
Aurender Customer Support reports I can use Apple AirPlay on my iPad and output the RP FLAC signal to my Aurender. I tried to do this but need better instructions.   Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.
For example, I go to the RP web page in my iPad, select RP FLAC streaming and somehow output the signal to my Aurender. I have no clue how the signal goes from the iPad to the Aurender.  And, how do I select it to play on my Aurender.  

Does anyone know how to do this?  Thanks.