Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Andy - that point of "hotter than they should be" is of great interest. It amazes me that there are no real standards regarding target speaker response - "what should be". The scientific work being done at JBL, the Canadian Research Lab, etc. centers on user preference. Think about that. Record producers second-guess end user equipment and preferences and . . . it's sometimes called "the wild west".

Jim's position was philosophical as much as anything else: that the speaker just like other components should replicate its input signal. At the time that position was quite novel, even controversial, but over elapsed time it has become fairly standard practice with the largest deviations being bass level.

I am not a Vandersteen expert, but it seems that over the years his products migrated from very full bass and steadily falling treble toward flat frequency response, along with KEF, the Canadians and many other design houses. I suggest that a Thiel compared with a modern Van would measure quite similarly, which was not true in distant years past.
The puzzle is not solvable until everybody makes recordings balanced for flat system playback, like Audioquest, Chesky, Reference Recordings and similar knowledgeable producers do. Until that time, it is far safer to balance a speaker rich and forgiving so it doesn't exacerbate recording problems. Jim actually disdained making such a compromise, citing its irrationality, and Thiel took it on the chin in many ways.
as i mentioned above i have a set of the Sound Anchors for earlier Thiel 2 series.   i had to use them because the speakers did allow me to level them or adjust the spikes up and down.   with the 2.4's they were not needed. however i never had an outrigger set for the 2.4's but found great success in sound improvement by using the big brass feet from MapleShade.  I use those feet under all my electronics but the speaker feet allow for them to be physically attached to the speakers.  remember that with those feet,  the bigger they are, the better the sound.

for those interested the inside dimensions of the SA stands are 11.5" by 11.5" and they have three adjustable spikes underneath
Can you remember where Havens & Hardesty was located?
Brilliant! idea to move the XO to a bottom panel bypassing the driver network. You guys are doing amazing things. Keep up the outstanding work.

Happy Listening!
Hi Tom,

It was very well said.  I understand the nature of the problem completely.  I guess all I can say is that in a world where we have equipment makers such as DAC, preamp, amp, and last but not least speakers, and of course recording studios, each have their own ways of doing things.  All I can say is how to try to fit in given all the variables.  

As for how to voice a speaker, it's interesting that we have brands such as Sonus Faber, Spendor, Vandersteen who in the past tend to have a sound that is some what warm and musical, but have since become a lot more neutral in their sound lately. 

In my personal design, when I design speakers with very flat frequency response, in order to pull that off, my external components have to be of fairly high quality (such as xover cap, front end electronics, cables  ...) otherwise the sound will be somewhat on the harsh sound.  I have heard stories in which people have demoed Thiel speakers at the show room which sounded fabulous, but then they were very disappointed when they took the speakers home using their less than optimal equipment. 
The brands which I have mentioned above whose sound has gone a lot more neutral lately may be because the quality of the ancillary equipment is now so much better than before, that they feel comfortable to be much neutral now without sacrificing sound quality.