Denon Service... Yeah or Nay?

I am getting ready to trade my Marantz DV9500 up to a Denon DVD 5910. I have received excellent service from Marantz thru the years and am only trading because the performance of the Denon is so much better. But I have heard from a few that Denon service is, well not good. I have tried contacting them all week via phone and e-mail and no response. Any Denon owners out there wish to share your experiences? It would be greatly appreciated.
I love my DVD-5910. As far as customer support, I haven't needed it so far. Sorry. :(
I have owned three Denon products and none has needed service. My seven year-old AVR-3300 is still going strong.

Like you, I have heard bad things about Denon customer service over the years. The odds of your ever needing it, however, is slim (knock on wood.)
I sent my 5900 in for the DL3 upgrade. Turn around time was pretty good in my opinion. From the time I shipped the unit until the time I got it back was about 4 weeks. This is my only experience with Denon service. Hopefully, it will be my last.
I`m on my second 3910.I too could not get a hold of Denon so I retuened the first one & my dealer friend gave me another.Now 4 month`s old it has laser pick up issues & stops in the middle of the
disc on 1/2 the dvd`s Ifeed it.Great picture though.Im taking it back next week,maybe I`ll update to the 5910.The service tech says he talks to Denon allthe time.I told him he must have a priorty rating cause I was unable to get a response as you.
Thanks for the input. It seems as though they do not offer any real customer assistance. After owning McIntosh and Marantz I am used to being able to get answer. I only can remember one other manufacturer that I had trouble with and that was Naim. They answered the phone but the arrogance and rude way they handeled my call was enough to say no more Naim. I am hopeing to avoid that with Denon. And if they have treated a prospective customer this way maybe I should rethink this purchase. I just don't know what other Uni-Player in this price range to consider. I wish Marantz would offer a better video display. I compared the DV5910 to the McIntosh MVP861 but the video falls short there as well. Although the audio is superior to Denon. The Escoteric is more than I want to spend and haven't compared the video. Thanks again for all the input.