Tannoy Westminister Royal SE Pre-amp Preference?

For thirty years, I have been a proponent of electro-static speakers. Six weeks ago, I acquire brand new Tannoy Westminister Royal SE speakers. My electronics have been tailored to electro-statics; powerful solid-state power amps (Classe Omega Omicron) with tube pre-amps (ARC REF 5). Now it seems low-power high-quality tube amp(s) are in order with the Westminister speakers. My question is simple (hmm ...): should I consider using a high-quality solid-state pre-amp with equally high-quality tube (Viva Auroa) power amps? Or, should I retain the ARC pre-amp for use with tube mono-blocks/amp?

First off, I congratulate you on your Westminister Royals. While I have never had the chance to hear the Royals, I have been using Tannoys since 1971. My first pair were 12" Monitor Golds, back in 1971, and most recently, HPD 315's (12" Dual Concentric, ca 1975), which have been optimized with custom cabinets, crossovers, and woofers upgraded to the current Prestige "Hard Edge" surrounds.

I have used various combinations of preamps/amplifiers, most recently a transformer-based passive line stage, in conjunction with either a VAC PA 35.35, (a push-pull EL 34 amp that has had factory upgrades), and a Plinus SA 100 MKIII amp.

I find the VAC much better paired with the Tannoys than the solid state Plinius.

I point this information out to show that Tannoys can be used successfully with many different combinations of preamps/power amps. You pretty much have to work at it, to have an unsatisfactory result.

Dover's advice is on the money. Enjoy trying out different combos until you find what best suits you. You will be in store for many, many, years of musical bliss.

Best regards, and enjoy,
Tannoys are pretty flexible. I think your on the right track with the Viva's.

I don't think ARC would be my first choice for pre amp.
I want to thank you all for your advice and comments. Regarding Whart's question about a phono-stage, I am considering the ARC REF2 SE. Jburidan's Cary C900 comments has also piqued my interest. And Lokie's hint that ARC might not be a first choice linestage has also caught my attention. Dover's comment regarding Tannoy 15" soundstage sound with most amps is intriquing. The adjective "most" is leading me to believe certain amps used with the Tannoy might pull the soundstage "forward"? I'm certain you have all detected my bias toward ARC. That may change with the Westminister speakers and your comments. All of your comments are most helpful ... thanks to all of you.
I am a dealer for Tannoy speakers as well as deHavilland Electronics. I would be remiss if I did not recommend highly the deHavilland Mercury 3. You can purchase directly from the manufacture in Vancouver Washington.......or me.