Anyone solved MF Tri Vista SACD problems?

I am starting this thread for my friend who bought this Musical Fidelity Tri Vista SACD player as used two years ago. Now the transport mechanism and also the servo board (we think) are broken. Does anyone know if there still is some company who can repair these players or modify them with new parts (transport+servo board). It seems to us that Musical Fidelity has moved forward and abandoned its old Tri-Vista customers. No help from their side at all. All info/help is appreciated.

1. Again I ask, why does this hostility only go at Musical Fidelity?

Krell used the same Philips transport in the SACD Standard. Did they stockpile transports in case of failure? Did they know it was a crap transport when they built/designed it? Did they test it properly? Why no shame on Krell?

2. My TriVista also went in for repair and came back unrepaired (and with a different fault). As is always the case with repairs outside the country of the product's origin, it went to a local repairer chosen by the distributor. I was unhappy with what happened but I have enough objectivity to judge that it was not directly Musical Fidelity's fault.

3. So you concede that in fact MF did offer to trade your kW SACD for another player but you declined their offer. That is, you made a choice. Be a man and take responsiblity for your choices.

4. My kW 500 has not missed a beat in six years of operation. I suspect it would survive a nuclear attack. Is it possible that you are so embittered by what happened with your kW SACD that you have lost perspective where Musical Fidelity is concerned?
Hi Alex,

Thank you for your post.

It is great have some input on this subject from someone who knows the facts and is able to assess what happened calmly and rationally.

The Philips SACD transport debacle cost a lot of people a lot of money. It also damaged many reputations.

It is important that at that same time as we recognize that customers were hurt and that companies didn't always react as promptly and effectively as they could have done, we don't rush to the kind of overblown, overwrought judgements that "all Brand X is crap, all of the time" as are being posted here.

The Philips SACD transport problem shouldn't be allowed to taint reputations beyond the scope of that singular issue.


I had a similiar experience with a Krell player. In a ~18 months period, Krell shipped me 5 new replacement units ... 3 was the same and 2 was a replacement/newer model.

It was a hassle and shipping got expensive but Krell stood behind their products and I have no complaints.

I ask Krell why use the Phlip transport and their reason is simply for performance.
Gtfour-Ahhh...hostility? No. Just decided to never support Musical Filelity ever again. (That is my decision-and, last I checked, 60% of thhe kW's are door stops-pretty high failure rate for a great company who's only "fault" is that they got hoodwinked by Phillips (?). I didn't buy a Krell-I bought the MF kW--again, $7,000. I don't care about Krell. I never had a Krell. I believe the MF was limited to 500 units-it would have beean easy enough to stock pile parts for just 500 units (?). I sent my MF back for repair and after almost a month, it came back just as bad (I remember maybe worse) than before--no note-"sorry, we can't fix it" - just sent it back as repaired. (they didn;t test it before return shippment?). And, no - they never made any offer of trade in. My dealer took care of that. Hhe took a nice hit on a trade in for a different brand. Sold to me way below cost "for my trouble". Great dealer (lousy company). All I wanted was for MF to send it back with a little note, "sorry we couldn't fix it-what would you, our $7,000 customer, like for us to do"? That was all I wanted. Before you ask people to step up "and be a man", know the facts. I cited no hostility towards you.
What I love best is how Stereophiles own MF supporter bloats and braggs on about MF gear and they only have a 1 year warranty and now alot of people have door stops.Maybe the mag should rethink before promoting a product with a 1 year warranty and leaving people helpless.
I have a Krell SACD(used) and it still working but for $1500 they will upgrade(if it does fail) it with a new transort & transformer.At least it is something for used purchasers!