Sonic Frontiers SFP-1 Upgrades

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has done the parts connection upgrade to a Sonic Frontiers SFP-1 phono section?

I demo'd a Graham Slee Gold Mk. V and was very impressed, so I'm waffling over modding the SFP-1 or selling it for the Slee.

Any opinions would be appreciated.
SLF-2 Pre
SFS-80 Amp
Oracle Delphi MkII w/Rega Rb350 arm and Grado Platnum

I can't really answer your question. I have a Sonic Frontiers SFP-1 Signature that I am about to send out to the Parts Connexion for some upgrading. I have a SF 2 Power Amp and think that the SF components are fine. Everything I have read (there is a fair amount of info on the 'asylum) about Chris Johnson's mods has been very positive. Personally I would think that upgrading the SF and then taking advantage of it's tube rolling abilities would make it worth keeping.

Letch, keep us inform about the upgrade.
I tried Mullard, Bugle Boys, Amperex orange globe and A frame 6dj8. The big surprise to me was JAN Phillips NOS 6dj8 from PartExpress, these tubes were super quiet and better instrument separations.
I understand the SFP-1 upgrade replaces about 80 parts on the PCB, or was it 80% of the total parts, (good memory eh) and new tubes. I'm not sure if that does the power supply or not, hopefully it does.

Regardles, it sounds like almost a total re-build. I'd have to agree with Nghiep, please let us know how your upgrade works out for you.
The bigger cap in power supply provided more bass authority and the ultra fast acting diodes increased transparency and pace as I did the PSU mod myself. I preferred the stock diodes because of more natural music.
Among other phono stages like the EAR 834 and the Wright Sound WPP200C, and building a K&K, I am also considering the Parts Connection upgrade to my SFP-1, and am hoping someone out there can comment on the results.

Per PC "The SFP-1 ws deisgned in 1992...wsa current until 1996....the paprts quality chosen was CIRCA this period, and on a tight budget....the parts we have now chosen are more fitting for a circa 2006 $3500 to $5000 phono stage."

Per the parts list, the upgrade includes 13 capacitors including a 75/400V - Solen power supply cap, 26 resistors, internal wire, and 4 semi-conductors. The transformer is unchanged. Installed at a cost of $675, upgrading to teflon caps raises the price to $1000.

Upstream is VPI Scout and downstream is a CJ CT5. Thanks.