VPI periphery record ring for VPI Scoutmaster

How much of an improvement does the VPI steel periphery record ring make? Do you think it's worth the $500 US retail price? Or would it be advisable to first look for the SDS, then afterwards purchase the ring? I'll be using it on a Scoutmaster turntable.
ALL good points made above,Im a very happy owner of a Scoutmaster with sds,ring and centre weight,I bought as a package.Lornoah,for sure these options will take your table to an another level of performance...At this stage if money is tight ,I would look into the Valhalla wire upgrade...thats a $200 stupid good deal...The SDS for sure, and or the new 9.You guys with the new 9,how long did you wait for it? What do you think of it? Thanks and good listening to all.
I just bought a Scoutmaster with Sig Arm upgrade, weight, ring, and VPI IC's. No SDS or HRX motor as of yet. Obviously the SDS is next, but I'm wondering how big of a change the HRX motor really is once you have all the other stuff? $1500 is a bit salty for the motor imho. You really don't have a choice but to buy a new one (no resales).

Also, any recommendations for a cartridge with this rig? Mostly jazz, acoustic. System is Wadia 861SE GNSC, Joule OPS2, LA150, VZN-100's, Merlin VSM-MX, Sound Application Reference LineStage filter, Cardas GR cables.

sumiko celebration. i have the same analog rig, 'cept a dynavector p75 phono. and i have the sds. celebration is a terrific cart that for some reason many don't use/know about. really great for the type of music you listed.
Hi Tms0425, I have the scoutmaster with sig arm but no ring clamp or SDS as yet. I also use a Joule Electra amp (VZN-80) and Merlin VSM-M speakers. I use the Denon 103R cartridge and I love its sound. I have heard the Shelter Cartridges sound good with this combo also.
Thanks all. I've considered the various Shelters, Sumiko Blackbird, but wasn't too aware of the Celebration. Is it a similar cart to the Blackbird (only better)? I'm not to familiar with current generation of Denons though I had a 103D long ago. I know I need something with a somewhat warm (not analytical) tonal balance for the Merlin setup.