The best "no fuss" turntable for $5K or less?

I am wanting to replace my LP12 Valhalla/Ittok with a less fussy, more "set it and forget it" deck. I live in an area of the country that is a audio wasteland. There are no dealers to set up or tune up a sensitive table like the Linn. I will spend up to Super Scoutmaster money. I am interested in all suggestions.
Another suggestion is the Origin Live tables, The Aurora Gold or Resolution are very easy to set up and makes a great sound, see reviews in Stereo Times and Stereophile. I am in the UK and they are very reasonable here. I know they will cost more in the US, but a good choice. As an aside, the SME 10 is a great table, I am not sure it will be under $5000. with a decent arm in the US.
As always I am afraid, you will get more bang for your bucks buying US kit, particularly with the way the $ has lost value against the £
I had a SOTA Star (vacuum) for over 15 years that was absolutely set and forget! Nothing ever went wrong with that table and it held adjustments like a tank.

I thought the sonic performance was quite good as well. That said, you'll get much higher sonic performance from a SOTA Cosmos, which is just above your price limit at a new price of about $5500 MSRP.