How does the Technics SL 1200 compare with....

other belt drive tables with comparable price tags? Specifically, the Music Hall
MMF 5, and the Rega p3. For arguements sake, lets say these items are all going to be placed on a three inch thick block of oak with vibrapods, and also have comparable cartridges and preamps. I really want to make a foray into vinyl, but for the life of me I just can't decide on a player. Any help would be much appreciated.
For what it's worth, I've owned a couple of direct drive tables of this genre/design -- a Technics SL-1800 fully manual with an ADC ZLM cartridge way back when and a Pioneer PL-600 (1981...regarded by most as a sort of "SL 1200 with a Pioneer label") using several cartridges over the span of 25 years, the last being a Shure V-15 IV. My parents still enjoy the SL-1800...The Pioneer finally bit the dust this Spring. I replaced it with a new MMF-5 with the stock Goldring cartridge. My subjective take on the whole experience has been that, while the aforementioned direct drive turntables certainly proved more than worth every penny in terms of longevity and in good (as in adequate to please a broad cross section of listeners) sound quality, the MMF-5 inhabits an entirely higher sonic plane. If it lasts half as long as my Pioneer PL-600 did, I'll consider it the best purchase of the bunch.
I just sold my P3 for a SL-1200MK2 and I am one happy camper! No speed stability issues and a rock solid sound. Can't go wrong - wish I had done this sooner! I have had the MMF-7 and Basis 1400 as well as several Pro-ject models and I can hoestly say that I am enjoying the Technics even more.

>>The Technics is no way an audiophile TT if you are the discerning kind.<<

Neither is the Rega by any means IMO. In fact Rega is basically an entry level product.

The Technics is clearly superior.....if you have the ability to discern the differences.

In my comparison, it was definitely not so cut and dried, in either direction. Perhaps my sample of the Technics was compromised in some way, but not that I could tell. I used the same cart, mat and record weight and mounted both on the same VERY isolated platform, and the result was points in both directions. The Technics was smoother but not as clear, fast or dynamic. The Rega was edgier though. Speed stability, is another matter, and obviously a point in favor of the Technics.

There are so many variables with vinyl and, as I said above, a better comparison would have been to use the same arm as well, and perhaps a better cartridge, not to mention more time to tweek.
08-18-07: Piedpiper
The Technics was smoother but not as clear, fast or dynamic. The Rega was edgier though.

To me, this is a good distinction, and one that does not indicate one being better than the other. It's merely a matter of preference.

I would say Piedpiper's description of the Technics sound is in keeping with what I hear with my SL1210/Benz Micro Ace combo. I would also say his description of the Rega is in keeping with the sound of my previous MMF-7 with Goldring Eroica cart. I prefer the smoother sound of the Technics/Benz Micro Ace versus the edgier sound of the MMF-7.

He's also on the money about the speed stability. I could discern the speed instability of the MMF-7.