Vpi vs. TW Acustic

My analog rig consists of a VPI Aries I, Triplanar, and Benz LP. My SoCal dealer suggests the Grand Prix Monaco TT should be my next move. However I don't have that kind of moola lying around and just try finding a used one. It ain't happening. So, would the TW Raven One be a big improvement over the the Aries or too much of a sideways move? And without the opportunity to audition, too risky?
The fact that a product is "flavour of the month" as TW is, does not, of itself mean it is overhyped rubbish. The One in particular, I think is exceptionally good value. It is an intrinsically simple design, but beautifully engineered and built to very tight tolerances.
As to the question of whether a turntable can make much difference to the sound. All a table needs to do is turn at a stable speed, provide good support to the vinyl and exclude sources of vibration getting in and drain out vibration from the cartridge. It sounds easy, but it seems pretty hard to do. Having gone through 5 tables over the years, all I can say is, changing to the Raven One has made as much difference in sound reproduction as any other step I have taken over the years.
May I ask, are the Raven sold via regular Dealers or direct from the US Importer?
You have a long way to go to convince me that I made a poor decision on buying a Raven.

When I bought my Raven One I wasn't influenced by any magazine review because there wasn't any, at lease here in North America.
And here on Audiogon, at the time, there were a handful of favorable mentions of the Raven tables, with this I added TW Acustics to my short list of tables.

You say, A good VPI or Sota will knock the socks off the overpriced , underdesigned but oh so pretty Raven.....

Overpriced and under designed !?, what compared to VPIs Superscoutmaster Reference complete with MDF plinth and very poor rubber belt drive system....

This is your second attempt at bashing TW Acustics though this time around you have included owners.

Your simply bias towards TW Acustic and if you actually heard one no matter what it did well you would never admit to it.

Just what is it your going on about, are you trying to save us from something?

Do you see yourself as the Ralph Nader of this hobby?

Sirspeedy, it's a hobby, calm down.
Sirspeedy has an issue of other sorts. He has sold off his system due to having a problems that have nothing to do with TW.

Sirspeedy why don't you just come out and state your true complaints. It isn't fair to everyone here for you to bash a product based on your personal grudge. I am sorry but it is far too obvious.
The Raven one is not overpriced, the AC and blacknight are, overpriced sort of. In my opinion all audio gear is overpriced after say $5k per component and maybe $10k for speakers. Sure audio can and does improve when you go up in the price range but the improvements are very little when compared to the price.

I think a well matched $20k system can do better in a dedicated and treated listening room then a $100K system in a modern living room.

Just paying a lot of money doesn't garentee a great system.