Why three motors?

Can someone enlighten me on the wisdom of having a three motor turntable like the TW Acustic with only ONE side of the belt touching the platter?

Here is an example.

I just don't get it...
Sunnyboy, TW has short belt for AC1. When used, the motor is just 4mm from the plint. With it, you can position your TW squarely on the HRS platform. But the long belt would have larger contact area with the pulley.
As I understand it, you are better off with the motor pulley as close as possible to the platter, so the belt contacts as much as possible of the circumference of the platter, to minimize the phenomenon of "belt creep". I don't know why these and many other very expensive high end turntables place the motor at such a great distance from the platter, unless it is to minimize the transmission of motor vibration to the platter via the belt. It's yet another Catch-22.
With a rubberized O-Ring you could have more of an issue with motor vibration (and belt "boinging") being transmitted to he platter. This becomes minimized significantly whn you use a silk string, or tape to drive the platter. There is a noticeable improvement in PRAT and a much clearer sound over rubber.
Sorry - hit send too soon.

However I'm not certain that you would get adequate "gription" with either silk thread or taps in a 3 motor version. There's just not enough surface area on them for such a small contact area on the platter.
Sunnyboy, the footprint for TW short belt is 530 X 400mm. If from plint cones to motor, 500 X 400. You better double check your HRS first.