How is LAMM LP2 compares to the more recent phono

I am now using all LAMM pre/power and my LAMM dealer offers pretty good deal on the LAMM LP2 phono deluxe version for me. I understand that 5-7 years ago, it is considered one of the top phono available but have not heard much about it recently and wonder how it might stand up to the more recent phono unit such as ARC Ref2, AMR, Audio Valve, Rhea Signature or Audia Flight etc.
I plan to audition LP2 but other units will be a bit difficult to find and I may not be able to audition them all unfortunately.
Thanks for your comment
Dear Jtimothya, With an external SUT thru the MM input, the cartridge will almost surely not "see" 47K ohms. It will see 47K divided by the square of the turns ratio of the external SUT, whatever that turns out to be. I also think Thuchan and Syntax can have any phono stage they want and that they both prefer the Lamm to the ones you mention, but they will speak for themselves.
Gee Lew, wasn't the OP asking about other phono stages? Maybe relative value is irrelevant to the situation. Also I was curious about why an Audio Note step-up was significantly different that made it worth the choice over the native MC. Didn't seem like gain was an issue. My apologies if you were put off.
Syntax, yes, I realized that the gain will be different between the MC input and MM/Ortofon. For now, gain is not an issue for me as I certainly has enough volume with Lamm MC input. While I did not level match both input when I listened, I tried to set volume level to where I am comfortable listening.

I know Thuchan prefere using external SUT over Lamm internal SUT, I would like to hear your impression and opinion on external SUT with Lamm as well if you have one. Thanks.
Quick question on tubes in LP2. Beside Western Electric 417A, is Amperex 5842 a worthwhile upgrade over stock Raytheon tube or should I not bother with that and go with WE 417A?
Thanks for your advise
Jtimothya, Of course I was not put off at all. I was just correcting the impression you left re the resistance seen by the cartridge thru a SUT hooked to the MM input. I know you are an experienced knowledgeable person, so I figured you just misspoke. But there are less experienced folks who read these threads who might have been misled. No offense was intended, and it is I who must apologize if you thought so.

As to the other remark, I don't know what the problem was with that. Thuchan and Syntax seem quite taken with the Lamm, is all I was saying. I doubt either is thinking much about cost.