TW-Acustic Raven 10.5 or DaVinci Grandezza??

Seems like a crazy question!
I am getting a Raven one but will have a choice of the Raven 10.5 or DaVinci Grandezza for just $2000 more! Which should I go for? Well I am not sure if Raven one is a good match to this super arm but the 10.5 have got great reviews. Please give soem advice.
Dear Luna, I think the person who could give you sound advice (pun intended) regarding TW 10.5 is Dev. I also own Raven, and considering buying TW 10.5 . But after seeing Dev sold his, owning for so short time, I'm having second thought.

For fast reselling, nothing beat Breuer. The last one on Audiogon, now you see it, now you don't. Gone in 60 seconds.

Gee Halcro, you say all those nice things about the Grandezza and then end up by saying it is a favorite of JV. Kind of ruins the picture for me. By the way ZYX UNIverse on Talea is possibly one of the best combos I have ever heard in my life.

What's the effective mass of the Copperhead? Those two others are of course high mass, and the fact that they sound good to you with high compliance MMs is at least serendipitous (meaning good to know but rather unexpected good luck), in my view.
Dear Lewm: IMHO the GST-801 with almost any cartridge outperform any SAEC tonearm. Don't take my word for sure, give it a try and if you don't like it I can buy it from you ( I own two-three of them. ) in 500.00!

Regards and enjoy the music,
I have started my Grandezza experience with Peter Brem's first arm long time ago and received one of the first units ( which doesn't mean it is special). Later on I had two Grand Grandezzas, the current design. From my own experience I agree it is a great arm. What I was missing is a exchangable headshell.

I now saw an inage of the new DaVinci arm coming with a SME shell.
So we may wait a little to see how the new guy is performing. But "the classic design" will always be a good deal.

Best @ Fun Only
The discussion has been great but the original thread was

"I am getting a Raven one but will have a choice of the Raven 10.5 or DaVinci Grandezza for just $2000 more! Which should I go for? Well I am not sure if Raven one is a good match to this super arm but the 10.5 have got great reviews. Please give soem advice."

Has anyone thought to ask how you can get either of these arms for $2000.
Is he paying too much for the Raven One or could the arms on offer be dodgy ?

The best answer may be to buy the Grandezza for $2000, sell it and then buy a new TW Acoustic.