Rockport Sirius III & Micro Seiki 8000 comparison

Arrival of 4 Ears from Germany for Shootout in my Home. Rockport Sirius III Direct Drive Turntable with Linear Arm / Micro Seki 8000 in a unique version with an additional RX 3000 as an interia unit.
Some mods have to be done first, but the System is getting the right temperature......

checking Plate Current...

Rockport Sirius III turntable

with a Lyra

Olympos SL cartridge
connected to a modified Lamm LP2 with a special custom made SUT for it
and the Front End...

Lamm LL1 Preamp

Lamm ML3 Amps

.... now back to work ... more coming
Hello Thuchan,

Yes, it was a wonderful visit; I almost felt like a duoear ;-).

Great news about Sam!

Thanks again for the cartridge and I would someday love to hear more about the lineage of the blue Micro and the tonearm.

Maybe it will require two trips for me next year; one in a couple of months, then a repeat visit in the fall...a seasonal shootout...;-)...

Hello Logenn,

Louis-thank you for your kind words and encouragement!

I am not sure where I am going to be able to locate another Lyra Olympos SL; however, comparing two of the same model FR cartridges will most likely be more realistically optimal. The FR-1 mk3, IMHO, will be a great fit for both the linear tracker and FR tonearms. Inherently the turntable drives and tonearms are of a different mix; therefore, as you appropriately mentioned, finding a common denominator at least with the cartridge will be helpful.

I do feel your similar emotions around the Micro Seiki turntables...they are just, simply, music making machines! Like yourself, I do find them to be a wonderful solution.

Re: the putative new Micro-Seiki. For a vinyl equipment-phile (note I did not say "audiophile" or "vinylphile") that thing has the appeal of waking up after a hard night partying to find a Ferrari 458 Italia in your driveway and then remembering that it's yours. We vinyl equipment-philes know who we are, don't we?

So, what was the outcome of the comparison test, even allowing for the fact that it was not quite scientific?

My declaration --

Following my recital recorded in glorious analog...
You will never again --
Boo the tenor ;-)
Roseanne :-0

Well, this may be may actually prefer my vox to hers - LOL.

Click if you've been warned :-0
And in my hometown, no less!

"You Can't Be Serious" (channeling John McEnroe)'ve got that auto-tune mojo workin' - RIGHT? PUHLEEZ! Hehehe.


Tony Bennett...okay, how about --
Johnny Well then --
Sam ;-)
With all due respect to all contributors, what on earth is this thread about?

If it is not a private message exchange within this web forum, could someone explain the background and objectives of the relevant activity?