The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
I was 17 years old and wandered into the local Audio Associates in Bethesda, MD. The salesman was quite kind to this scruffy kid and allowed me to demo the JBL L-65 Jubals - WOW, WOW, WOW - "Angel trumpets and devil trombones" to quote my favorite droogie!! I was absolutely smitten. I *had* to have them.

And about a year later, having worked hard and diligently saving my nickels and dimes, they were mine!! Woo-effin'hoo, I now had a little slice of heaven right here on terra firma - I owned and loved those speakers for the next 10 years!

I had a similar experience many years on when I was privileged to hear the Gallo Reference 3s at Dave Pogue's beautiful home. Man, those speakers *really* did it for me. And Dave's rig was very carefully assembled over many years, the man really knows his stuff!

So, once again, I set about saving my money until 8 months had passed and I was able to find a 3 month old pair for 1/2 of retail. I could not get the wallet out of my back pocket fast enough !

I am still digging those speakers after 4 years has passed - I'll probably be buried with them beside me...

Back in the 70’s I auditioned the Beveridge, It sounded like the orchestra was inside those speakers beating their way to get out. Too bad I could not afford them at that time. Of the many speakers I have owned the best sounding were my Acoustat 2+2’s. Set up right with good amp’s they disappear. The sound stage and imaging was so good that you could feel the presents of the vocalist and you could follow them even when they slightly turned their head.
Mickey Katz was the first and the absolute pioneer of using cat hair for cabinet damping; the results were amazing with much more open detail than synthetic fibres or wool. The cat hair was collected washed 3 time in a lime based soap and then ratted into pillowy balls.

Yes, they sounded fantastic
Funny as I just hooked up my new/used Ayre AX7e integrated with my Proac Supertowers and WOW what a difference. I'm still using the 'tubed' MIT CVTerminator (made for tubed gear). Talk about a HUGE difference. The speakers sound warm and inviting. Huge soundstage pin point imaging. Air around every note and there is a wall of music with depth and even some height, lol. I'm loving them again. I still want the Vandy Treo's, but until I can sell off everything else, I have a great system in place that is musical. I"m hearing things I haven't heard since my Quickie pre/silver mono's were hooked up.