Power Cable Shootout...

Has there ever been one? Recently? For those of use not lucky enough to qualify for The Cable Co.'s library demo program, how do you decide on what works for you?

Ideas? Opinions? Suggestions?

Cable shootouts are largely useless because everyone's system and ears and preferences are different.

I suggest deciding what price level is comfortable for you, and then buying used cabling at that level. Listen. Compare. Keep what you like. Sell what you don't.

That's what works for me.
I suggest sitting blindfolded while somebody changes your power cables while you listen. Don't forget to make a cable for yourself using some heavier 12/2 wire and decent terminations. Remember it's only copper wire in your wall!
Tvads suggestion is also legit as we all hear things differently.

Thanks Tvad,

I think that could get expensive...let's say that I would like a power cable for my MC207 and I am willing to spend $1000 on the cable...if I select 5 finalists (which is incredibly hard based on the amount of venders out there) that would be 5K.

Also, all of the "Power" cables state that they have, "less noise", I believe that this is something tangible and measurable. I just thought that with all of the knowledge in this site that someone would have compared. I realise that this is not necessarily the most defining determination on how a power cable is going to affect your system sonically but it is something tangible that might separate those who can stand up to their marketing claim vs. those who can not.

Has no one ever had this thought before???? :-)

Thanks again,

Let's say you buy two used cords that each sell for $1000. You spend $2000 for both. One you keep, the other you sell for what you paid. That's the benefit of buying used. The net cost is $1000 for the one you kept.

Later, you can buy a third cord, and compare with the cord you kept. Sell the one you don't like for what you paid. Now you've tried three out of the five for a net cost of $1000. Repeat until satisfied.

It's worked for me.

Sorry to say, but there's no easy or cheap way to go about it. But, there are smarter ways than others.

Another method is to buy cords that you can audition at home for 30 days. The downside, IMO, is that most manufacturers will tell you that their cords require hundreds of hours of burn-in, and it's tough to put all those hours on a cord within the demo period. So, you reach the end of the demo period needing to pull the trigger, and not being certain if you've heard the cord fully broken in.

The sure fire way to lose your wallet is to buy something new that enough people convince you is the one you should buy. Maybe you'll love it, but more likely you'll hear something before long that you like better because your ears, your system and your preferences are unique to you. So, you sell the cord a few people convinced you to buy and lose 50% of it's value. No bueno.

This is not to say the cord isn't excellent and perfect for those who suggested it, but no cord is ideal for every system, application and audiophile. Otherwise, there would be just one cord, and not dozens from which to choose.

I can't think one one person on these boards who has asked for power cord advice and found the ideal cord the first time out.

It's a process. A journey. With only a partial road map.